Cottonwood City Council meets The Cottonwood City Council approved the meeting dates for 2021 at their December meeting Monday, Dec. 14. The meeting dates are printed below. In other busines Donn Clark appeared concerning a lien from the city on property he bought at 802 Front St. He was told by County Assessor Abbie Hudson that when buying a tax sale property any liens are null and void. After some research by city attorney Joe Wright he asked city clerk Carol Altman if the city had been notified of the tax sale. If so, Clark is correct. The only recourse on the money owed in utilities for the property is the previous owner, or their estate in this case. In reports Pat Holthaus said they pumped 2.7 million gallons of water but sold just 1.8 million for a 33% loss. He said most of that is due to an issue with the pump at the city park where they wound up pumping water directly into the creek. The city crew believes they have fixed that issue. They also had 1 other leak that has been fixed. In the sewer report Lynn Guyer reported he went up and watched the city crew pulling pipe with the new equipment. It was impressive to watch. There was nothing to report in the streets department. Linda Nida reported they are looking at converting the lights in the city clerk’s office to LEDs. Ben Schumacher reported the airport passed a review although they recommended having a public restroom. He reported they don’t really think that is feasible or necessary with the buildings there. Airport manager Clint Riener said they would also like to see some red & white indicators on a chain link fence near one of the runways. They would help pilots to see that there is a fence there. Nida reported the fire department is looking into a new extrication vehicle. As for fire calls in the past month they had 1 false alarm and 1 assist on a wreck. Mayor Pepper Harman read a report from their engineers about a couple of ZOOM public meetings in January dealing with the NRCS requirements. These meetings are set for Jan. 13 and Jan. 14. We will have more info as they get closer. In unfinished business Harman reported they had an issue with a water hookup near the park for the fairgrounds. He said “Things could have been done differently.” What it came down to is the city having to write off $1200 in labor to please all sides. A motion was made and passed to do so. Next on the agenda was the utility bill for a house Clint Riener bought. He said the house is too run down to fix and that he has provided it to the fire department for training. Police Chief Terry Cochran has also used it for training. Joe Wright suggested continuing to charge the no occupancy rate and if the police or fire department use it for training to apply a credit from those accounts. Riener and councilor Schumacher, who is also a fireman, both said it is exceptional training, especially for the new firemen who haven’t ever been in a smoke filled house situation. Nida said the department has $3,000 in their budget for training. Riener said they used to go to Orofino but that has been cancelled due to Covid. The matter was tabled to next month to get input from fire chief Greg Danly. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, January 11 at 7 p.m. Cottonwood City Council meeting dates for 2021 Monday, January 11, 2021, 7:00 PM Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, March 8, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, April 12, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, May 10, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, June 14, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, July 12, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, August 9, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, September 13, 2021, 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, November 8, 2021, 7:00 PM Monday, December 13, 2021, 7:00 PM Meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers located in the basement of the Cottonwood Community Hall, 506 King Street, Cottonwood, Idaho. Any persons with disabilities desiring accommodations for the meetings, please contact the City Clerk at least 48 prior to the meeting at 208 962-3231, 506 King Street, Cottonwood, Idaho. |