Coloring Contest winners Kason Forsmann, 0-5 year olds, Madeline Stubbers, 6-8 year olds, and Halee Rowland, 9-12 year olds, are this year’s grand prize winners in the Cottonwood Chronicle Christmas Coloring Contest. Kason’s winning entry was at Hometown Auto & Ag. Madeline’s winning entry was at Mager Bargains. Halee’s winning entry was at Creative Restorations. Some businesses may have a special prize for their winners and will contact them. Below are all the winners at each participating business listed youngest age group to oldest: Cottonwood Credit Union-Lena Goeckner, Sidney Kehler and Erica Schlader. Creative Restorations-Riata Graning, Madeline Stubbers and Halee Rowland. Mager Bargains-Liam Stubbers, Madeline Stubbers and Beka Schumacher. Hometown Auto & Ag-Kason Forsmann, Madeline Stubbers and Reagan Brannan. Point S-The Tire Guy-Liam Stubbers, Madeline Stubbers and Erica Schlader. The Hangout-Mya Meyers, Madeline Stubbers and Halee Rowland. Riener’s Grocery-Tate Raymond, Sidney Kehler and Reagan Brannan. The Habit Coffeehouse-Leo Rehder, Madeline Stubbers and Brianne Nuxoll. Long’s Body Shop & Auto Sales-Kason Forsmann, Brylie Forsmann and Avery Riener. Fred’s Body Shop-Tate Raymond, McKenna Slichter, and Reagan Brannan. Central Idaho Agency-Tate Raymond, Sidney Kehler and Avery Riener. Seubert Excavators, Inc.-Kylah Bruegeman, Hank Harman and Reagan Brannan. Camas Prairie Insurance-Liam Stubbers, Nicole Gehring and Avery Riener. Camas Prairie Mini-Storage-Kason Forsmann, Madeline Stubbers and Reagan Brannan. HUB International-Liam Stubbers, Sidney Kehler and Reagan Brannan. Rodonna’s Country Haus-Liam Stubbers, Madeline Stubbers and Tori Shears. Forsmann Accounting, LLC-Liam Stubbers, Blakely Forsmann and Avery Riener. Gem Builders Supply-RyLynn VonBargen, Dell Goeckner and Erica Schlader. Cottonwood Foods-Kason Forsmann, Kolby Nuxoll and Catherine Seubert. Arnzen Super Drug-Liam Stubbers, Tenley Riener and Beka Schumacher. Schlader Photography-Skylar Scheffler, Sidney Kehler and Avery Riener. Wolftrack Brewing Tasting Den-Skylar Scheffler, Harper Riener and Bucky Harman. Livewire Electric-Liam Stubbers, Mesa Rose Graning and Erica Schlader. Congratulations to all the winners and all those that participated. Grand prize winners in the Coloring Contest. From left are Kason Forsmann, 0-5 year olds; Madeline Stubbers, 6-8 year olds and Halee Rowland, 9-12 year olds. It was Jersey Day at Prairie Schools, which is why Kason is wearing his Russell Wilson jersey and Halee is wearing her Patrick Mahomes jersey.