February events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth, This is the month where we recognize the loved ones in our lives. During this month of February, it is important for us to also stop and recognize how much God loves us and remember how very special we are to him. It is also the month where we show our love back to God through prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. I hope you can join us in this month’s activities as we gather in God’s holy name by giving and receiving. A special night is set aside for our High School girls on Feb. 3rd at the Habit at 7:00 p.m. We will meet for our night of Radiance and talk about our relationships with each other and God. Coffee will be provided. On Feb. 5th I would like to invite all Jr. High, High School, and parents to an hour of Adoration at 10:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church. This is a perfect time to spend some quiet time with God. Bring your journal and let know what is on your heart. He is always listening! On Feb. 6th the Jamaica team will be meeting at the elementary school at 10:00 a.m. to make cinnamon rolls for Super Bowl Sunday. On Feb. 7th the Jamaica team will be in the Sacred Heart room to hand out pre-ordered cinnamon rolls from 9:30 to 12:00. A huge thank you to all who continue to support our mission efforts. We really appreciate you! The Confirmation class will also be meeting at 10:00 a.m. on the 7th at St. Mary’s. I want to remind you that your Bishop letter is due on this day. I will be meeting at the Habit a 3:30 with my coffee and Jesus teen group. No youth group planned on Wed. due to basketball districts. No school on Feb. 15th so enjoy your day! On Feb. 17th we begin Lent with Ash Wednesday. I would like to encourage all of you to attend Mass on this day and receive your ashes as a sign of beginning your Lenten journey. On Feb. 22nd the Peer Ministers are invited to the Habit at 7:00 p.m. for a planning meeting for the Jr. High Faith Night. (I am not sure of the time or days for state basketball so things may change and be adjusted according to the schedule so please watch the bulletin) The Jr. High faith night is scheduled for Feb. 24th at 6:30. Again, due to sports schedules this may be adjusted so please watch the bulletin! May the love of God be poured out upon you this month and may your heart overflow in response. God bless you and remember that you are loved! (Just a note: I will be setting up a team of people to help me with a virtual ICYC day for next month. If you are interested in being on this team please call or text me at 208 553 5837. I appreciate help in the areas of food, technology and planning). We will meet some time this month. In Christ, Debbie |