Cottonwood City Council meets The Cottonwood City Council met Tuesday, Feb. 9 with the new sewer system discharge permit being a major topic of discussion. City maintenance supervisor Roy Uhlenkott said it will be a challenge to get everything to come together to be in compliance with the new permit. There is also an issue with the NRCS grant. Uhlenkott said once the State Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) gives you a limit, you are stuck with it. The stormwater project now in the works could significantly change things and it would be best for the city to put things off but the DEQ doesn’t want to wait. They were handed quite a backlog by the EPA and would like to start cutting into that. Mayor Pepper Harman said the city needs to be proactive in at least getting the needed equipment for the testing that will be required. A topic that was brought up at the January meeting was a question about the new activity at 802 Trestle Drive. Patti Torres was present and handed out information. She is running a Certified Family Home Program which is designed to provide vulnerable adults with safe family -style homes where they receive quality care. They are allowed to take in up to 4 individuals. The individuals involved are fully background checked with nobody considered dangerous allowed. She said they have children at home and wouldn’t want anyone in the least bit dangerous. This is a program she has been involved with for the past several years in Lewiston and for many years before that in Nampa. In the reports, Police Chief Terry Cochran said a community member helped catch those robbing storage units in town. He also wanted to thank Fred’s Body shop for providing vehicles that could be used for extrication training. He reported they should have the new police vehicle by the end of the month. Pat Holthaus reported they pumped 1.7 million gallons of water last month and sold over 1.5 million for a 10% loss. Testing all came back good. Ben Schumacher reported they need to get some reflectors ordered for the fence per state request. Fire Chief Greg Danly reported they received the new extrication vehicle. It is at Hometown getting some minor things taken care of. They had no fire calls last month. In an update on the NRCS project, they have received some comments, 6 to date. They had some design workshops. Citizens sending in their thoughts on the project is a good thing. In unfinished business the utility bill for the house Clint Riener owns on Washington Avenue was discussed further. Danly said having it available is great for training for the fire department. He would see no problem in $100 per session being paid by the Department towards the utility bill. He feels they would likely use the house for training no more than 3 or 4 times a year. City Clerk Carol Altman discussed the issue with the auditors. The proposed flood ordinance changes suggested by FEMA were discussed. City Attorney Joe Wright said the ordinance the city has is fairly comprehensive and meets the state requirements. FEMA’s proposal is a lot more detailed and complicated. Wright said he doesn’t recommend adopting an ordinance that you aren’t going to be able or want to enforce. He did recommend updating the date and the flood plain map but doesn’t feel the city needs to change the ordinance. Action was tabled until further discussion with the FEMA representative. Uhlenkott discussed some proposed sewer requirements for any new services. To meet the new permit qualifications they need new pipe requirements, drain spout requirements and sump pump requirements. Wright said some of this may already be in the building codes the city has adopted. Uhlenkott said this is something that has to be addressed eventually and he feels the city needs to be pro-active. A list of surplus items to be advertised for sale was approved. They are listed in the legal notice on page 7 of this week’s Chronicle. A catering permit for Wolftrack Brewing for an upcoming event was approved. This is for the Chili Cookoff set for Feb. 27 which is a Cottonwood Summerfest fundraiser. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Council is set for Monday, March 8 at 7 p.m.