Boat launch upgrades completed The busy recreation season is just ahead for the 112-mile stretch of the Lower Salmon River managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). In advance of recreationists and anglers enjoying the water, the BLM’s Cottonwood Field Office is pleased to announce improvements to three additional boat launch sites along the River – Shorts Bar, Lucile and Hammer Creek. The Field Office hopes the boat ramp enhancements will not only provide a safer experience for all users but also improve past congestion issues at the launch sites. Boat ramps at all three sites have been extended 10 feet further into the river, which will provide an easier launch experience and less chance of boat trailers dropping off the edge of the ramp during the launch process. In addition, two 50-by-50-foot prep areas were added to both sides of the popular Hammer Creek boat ramp. An expanded prep area was also added to the Lucile boat ramp. The Shorts Bar site now features a tie-off area adjacent to the boat ramp. In addition to improvements at these three launch sites, the BLM also widened and extended the Pine Bar boat ramp last spring. Cook and Sons LLC, from Grangeville, was the contractor on all four projects. “We are hopeful the improvements to the boat ramps will provide the public an even better experience while recreating on the Lower Salmon River,” stated Cottonwood Field Manager Richard White. “We are also working on plans to possibly upgrade additional launches next fall.” If you are planning a summer trip on the Lower Salmon River, the Cottonwood Field Office offers boater guides to help plan your route. The guide provides a comprehensive overview of river segments and whitewater classifications, river etiquette, safety tips and historical information. Boater guides cost $7 and can be purchased by calling 208-962-3245 or in person at the Cottonwood Field Office, 2 Butte Dr., Cottonwood, ID 83522. For more information about recreation and launch sites along the Lower Salmon River, please visit Before boat ramp improvements, (top photo) the rocky shoreline and short ramp at Hammer Creek, made launching difficult. Enhancements to the boat ramp at Hammer Creek feature an extension of the ramp 10 feet further into the river and the addition of two large prep areas on either side of the boat ramp to help ease congestion. The Hammer Creek boat ramp is one of four launch sites that the Bureau of Land Management has recently improved. Prior to improvements, the Shorts Bar boat ramp did not extend far enough into the river. Recreationists using the improved Shorts Bar boat ramp can now also take advantage of a tie off area adjacent to the ramp. All photos provided by BLM.