Ag Day 2021, tribute to farmers and ranchers “FOOD Brings Everyone to the Table” remains the theme for this year’s Ag Day on March 23. The Idaho County Farm Service Agency invites you to observe Ag Day by taking a moment as you sit down to a meal to remember the hard work and sacrifice of our local farmers and ranchers who provide food and clothing for our county, our country and the world. Because of them, we not only enjoy an abundant supply of safe and readily accessible food, we also have the fiber and fuel we depend on daily. It can be easy to take for granted the impact of American agriculture. We are incredibly fortunate that our local agricultural producers and others across our great nation dedicate their lives to helping this sector of the economy thrive. Whether they are one of generations of farmers or ranchers or came to farming later in life, they understand the day-to-day sacrifices and joys of creating a life dependent on the land, providing jobs and incomes for both rural and urban families and communities. The long days that begin in the early hours and continue sometimes through the night aren’t easy. Even with the added strains of 2020, American farmers and ranchers prevailed to send to market the food, fiber and fuel we count on. Today’s U.S. farmer feeds more than 165 people, up more than 500% from 1960 when each farmer provided food for about 25 people. This sector adds well over $100 billion to the U.S. economy and continues to be our country’s number one export. While research and new technology have helped to increase production, someone still has to go outside and make things grow. Animals and crops need to be tended even if it’s freezing, storming, smoky or otherwise harsh. Let’s thank these men and women in agriculture for their inspiring work as well as residents of our county who work to support this critical industry. Even though our office has had to cancel our annual hamburger feed, we will be thinking of recognizing your tireless dedication on Ag Day and look forward to serving you all a meal in 2022. Julie Fowler County Executive Director Idaho County Farm Service Agency