Whatsoever Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
I Thirst
Jesus spoke seven times from the cross. What would you expect to hear from the King of the Universe?  From Jesus the Savior?  From Jesus the man?  He spoke three times to the Father, twice to the people near by (displaying compassion), once to His mother, and then the “I Thirst” which would seem at first glance to be just an expression of one aspect of the torment He was experiencing.
First He said “Father forgive them”, then He told the thief “today you will be with me in paradise”. Then He tended to Mary’s future by making John responsible to, and for her. Then after three silent hours, He asked His Heavenly Father “Why hast thou forsaken me?” -  for as the sins of the World were laid upon Him, for the first time in for ever, God had to turn His back on Jesus. “God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us; that we through Him might become the righteousness of God”–2nd Cor. 5:21.   This is the reason for the “I Thirst”, followed by “it is finished”, and then “into thy hands I commit my spirit”.
Was this (I Thirst) more than just a passing statement?  I think so. On the last day of the Feast at the Festival of Water, the Jews celebrated the Well of Salvation. Jesus told them “your cisterns are broken”. In other words, they were freely given the Water of Life, but regarded it not, and let it flow away.  Remember the Woman at the well? Jesus told her He could give her drink from which she would never again thirst. 
Jesus had never experienced this thirst for God.  We do. Everyone of us. We try to satisfy it with all manor of things like drugs, alcohol, porn, gambling, success, money or, you fill in the blank.  Most don’t even recognize their thirst.  “If I could just have that job, or his wife, or her husband, or that toy, I would be happy”. Not. And it doesn’t ever go away; even at death.  Remember the rich man and Lazarus?  The first thing the rich man requested (begged for) upon realizing his condition, was a drop of water “because I am in torment”.  After you die, it is Hopeless.  The Torment of Hell is the Thirst. The second death of Revelation.  The eternal, un-appealable separation from God. 
Today is the day of Salvation. We are not guaranteed another breath.
Do you thirst?  Jesus is offering you freely today, the Water of life.
Don’t put Him off.  His Salvation is free, but came at a great cost. His Blood.  God Bless.













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