Youth Sports thanks community
On behalf of the Cottonwood Youth Sports, we want to say thank you to all the businesses and people for supporting our organization. Your donations are greatly appreciated and important to our success. With your generous donations, we were able to upgrade the kid’s baseball gear and make improvements to the Wimer Fields.
We plan to put in a drainage system for both fields, fix up all the dugouts, upgrade the bleachers/seating areas, and eventually put in batting cages. Cottonwood Youth Sports could not accomplish what it does without the substantial support of our caring community.
Shirt Sponsors for this year are: Fred’s Body Shop, Advanced Welding, Summer Emmert Law, Tire Guy, Idaho Forest Group, The Habit, Pacific Cabinets, Livewire Electric, Riener’s Grocery, HUB International, Holcomb Crane Service, Cottonwood Credit Union, Brett Uhlenkott Drilling, Forsmann Accounting, Grace Builders, Coyote’s , C’est La V’s, Mountain View Dentistry
Other Businesses and People who have given us support are:
Riener Concrete, Forsmann Accounting, Seubert Excavators , Creative Restorations, Pacific Cabinets, Wayne and Dar Forsmann, Casey Forsmann, Roger Kaschmitter, Dana Thomason, Roy Uhlenkott
We hope for your continued support and greatly appreciate new donors at any time while we work to finalize budgets and planning for the upgraded facilities.
If you would like to donate to Cottonwood Youth Sports you can contact us through our Facebook page, email us at or call Fran Forsmann at 208-507-0088
With best wishes and our sincere gratitude,
Cottonwood Youth Sports Board Members
















Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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