Fair Royalty applicants sought
The Idaho County Fair is taking applications for the 2021-2022 royalty court.
This event is open to all young ladies of Idaho County between 14 -18 years of age and entering their sophomore to senior years of school. They must be a resident of Idaho County for at least one year and be active in their community and the fair. Involvement in the 4-H program is encouraged but not required.
The candidates will be required to fill out an application and have it submitted by July 1.
The Meet and Greet Barbecue is July 28 where the duties of the royalty will be spelled out in more detail, primarily representing Idaho County at parades and 4-H activities.
The royalty luncheon is Aug. 4, where girls will be judged on their applications, a personal interview, a two-three-minute speech, and their interaction with each other.
The official introduction is on Wednesday, Aug. 18, at the Idaho County Fair fashion show, and coronation is on Friday, Aug. 20. 
The queen is awarded a $450 scholarship and each princess will receive $350. The Idaho County Fair Board has allocated a budget to help with clothing, the float and other costs during their reign.
The 2021 royalty court are Queen Dani Sonnen, 1st Princess Olivia Klapprich, and 2nd Princess Leann Lightfield, all of Cottonwood.
Applications can be picked up and dropped off at the Idaho County Extension office located in the Idaho County Court House in Grangeville, or by contacting Joyce Gehring-Sonnen, royalty advisor at 208-962-5850, or jogehring@hotmail.com.

The 2021 Idaho County Fair Royalty invite young ladies from Idaho County to apply to be a part of the 2022 Idaho County Fair Royalty. From left are 2nd Princess Leann Lightfield, 1st Princess Olivia Klapprich and Queen Dani Sonnen. Photo provided by Tara Klapprich.










Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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