Prairie to host volleyball jamboree Prairie High School will host a volleyball jamboree next Tuesday, August 24 starting at 5 p.m. at the PHS gym. There will be 8 teams in attendance with a round-robin schedule set up so that each team plays every other team one time. Games will be 1 set to 15 points, rally scoring, win by 2, no cap. There will be a 5-5-1 warmup prior to each team’s first match. After that there will be only a 2-minute serving warmup session before each match. Concessions will be available. See the accompanying schedule. PIRATES GIRLS VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE FOR 2021
AUGUST 24-Jamboree, here
28-New Plymouth Tourn. 28-Genesee JV Tourn. 31-Lapwai*, here, 6 p.m. 2-Tri-Match, here, vs. CV*, 5 p.m.; vs, Kamiah*, 7 p.m. Both JV/V
7-Logos*, there, C/JV/V,, 5 p.m. 9-Potlatch*, here, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 13-Troy*, there,, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 14-Grangeville, there, C/JV/V, 5p.m. 16-Genesee*, here, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 21-Lapwai*, there, JV/V, 6 p.m. 23-Logos*, here,, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 25-Border Battle at Pomeroy 30-Tri-Match @ Kamiah, vs. CV*, 5 p.m.; vs. Kamiah*, 6 p.m. 30-JV Tri-match @ C.V., vs. CV, 5 p.m., vs. Kamiah, 6 p.m. 4-Troy*, here, C/JV/V, 5 p.m.
5-Potlatch*, there, JV/V, 5 p.m. 7-Grangeville, here, C/JV/V, 5 p.m., Senior Night 12-Genesee*, there, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 16- 21-District at LCSC 23-State Play-In @ Lake City H.S., 1 p.m. 29-30-State at Leiwston *League Game All games atart at 4:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 14-Nezperce, here
16-St. John Bosco, 7th grade only, here 21-C.V., here 22-Timberline, there 28-Orofino, there 5-Kamiah, there
12-Highland, here 14-Grangeville, here |
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