to the editor from this week's Chronicle To the Editor The Idaho County Republican Central Committee (ICRCC) takes the responsibility of standing for the people of Idaho County and those principles which define liberty and freedom. We believe our founding was unique and divinely inspired; for the first time in the events of human history the rights of men were recognized as coming from their Creator. The Declaration of Independence is a spiritual message to the world and it inspired a rag-tag team of warriors to engage the world's mightiest army and defeated them. A victory that many have called a miracle. From this victory the foundation of our nation was laid to form a more perfect union, to establish justice and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. The Constitution of the United States is the brick and mortar that binds us as a free people and limits government and frees the individual to pursue his or her dreams. The ICRCC battles for these things day in and day out and we engage our elected officials to remind them of the promises they make and the oath of office they take and this time is no different. We have written both senators Risch and Crapo and asked them to attend a central committee meeting and to discuss the pressing concerns of our community, our state, and our country. In our letter to the senators, we pointed out how critical race theory is dividing our country and antithetical to our founding principles. We stated how radical environmental policies are costing us jobs and increasing our dependence on foreign oil. The current “pandemic” is demonstrating how incompetent our federal government is and how politics are destroying lives and our livelihoods. As we watched American cities burn to the ground the Republican response was non-existent. Free speech and our freedoms of religion are under attack and we hear nothing of standing for these God-Given Rights. The brutal attacks on Republican President Trump also went unaddressed. When the Republicans had control of the House of Representatives, The Senate, and the Presidency and the opportunity to push a freedom-minded agenda with President Trump, nothing was accomplished. We also should have noted this also occurred when Bush was president. How many chances do you need to lead? Since this letter both Senators Risch and Crapo voted for the 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill, which does more to advance the Marxist ideology of the Democrat party than to repair roads and bridges. Vaccine mandates and vaccination ID cards are threatening to infringe, upon individual liberty and freedom. The debacle in Afghanistan has destroyed our credibility on the world stage, and the transgender issue is front and center defying any common sense or scientific fact. So now we ask the senators: Is this the direction we want our country to go in; is this who we are as a people or can we do better than this? Everything about the current Biden administration can be labeled a Marxist revolution and stands in total opposition to the founding of this country and attacks the truth of who we are. This administration lies on an hourly basis and so Senators, we publicly ask you what is your plan to push back. This committee has worked tirelessly to get you elected. You told us what you would do and now we need more than words. We seek action on your part, to push back against the radical ideas we see being hoisted upon us and ideas that run contrary to the Constitution and our human nature. So it is with firm resolve that the ICRCC, at this point in time, is questioning our support for Senators Risch and Crapo. Their political gamesmanship and voting records have wandered from the campaign promises they have made. We respectfully ask the citizens of Idaho County to also engage in writing letters and making phone calls to both Senators Risch and Crapo and Representative Fulcher and request action on their parts. Today we are in need of warriors, not politicians, men and women who will stand in the breach and fight for God, Family, and Country. We pray our words do not go unheeded and we again respectfully ask that you attend in person, our central committee meeting. Idaho County Republican Central Committee To the Editor There is an unprecedented amount of newspaper space and media time dedicated to pushing a singular health narrative. That is, our only hope is if everyone gets “vaccinated” for COVID. This seemingly unanimous plea is being repeated, ad nausium, based on several false premises. Among these are that masks prevent the spread of COVID, the COVID “vaccine” will stop COVID and protect others, there are no other ways to prevent getting COVID and the hospitals are filling up with unvaccinated COVID patients. I will address the falsity of each of these and challenge any doctor, nurse, health administrator or politician to prove otherwise. On masks, OSHA's website states that masks “will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents.” Many studies have shown that mask wearing is unhealthy. Rebreathing our exhaust lowers blood oxygen levels, which is dangerous. Reusing masks, moisture retention and bacteria buildup increase risk of infection. According to Dr. Fleming (flemingmethod.com), the studies cited in the EUA applications (available on his site) for Moderna and Pfizer nMRA vaccines show no statistical difference in outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated. In other words, the “vaccines” do not prevent infection. Neither do they prevent transmission (spreading the virus to others). They were only designed to lessen the symptoms after infection. There are many ways to prevent or successfully treat COVID. See www.flemingmethod.com/best-available-published-evidence, https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/treatments/ or https://covid19criticalcare.com/ among many others. Most of the so called “unvaccinated” COVID patients have actually been vaccinated. What? Look at how the CDC is defining “unvaccinated.” A 9/15/21 news article on neomvisions.com points out that the CDC says you are not fully vaccinated until 14 days of 2nd injection of Pfizer or Moderna , or 14 days after the single Janssen shot. So, anyone who dies or contracts COVID within those 14 days is counted as unvaccinated! Since the vast majority of deaths from these shots happen within the first two weeks, this not only covers up the dangers of the shots but conveniently labels unvaccinated persons as the cause of all the suffering and death. The real problem is everyone blindly repeating this false narrative. Jay Maxner Kooskia To the Editor We have come to a complete corruption of the Judiciary, the Executive and the Legislature branches both at the state and federal levels. State Representative Heather Scott has been widely telling her constituents and others about the massive corruption going on by the senior legislators to prevent the legislature from conviening so they can address overreach of both the state and federal governments. What is happening is the state legislature leadership is not following the Constitution and the state executive isn’t enforcing the law in this case and the Supreme Court won’t even hear evidence of election fraud. There simply aren’t enough people that care about the Constitution or Law to hold it up anymore. So few people even understand what law is and this will throw us into a chaos that will destroy all we have gained since becoming an independent nation. Without law there is no justice. Without justice there is no non-violent cure for conflict. Without that cure there will eventually be no solution but violence. Without peace, we cannot function as a people efficiently together. Without that ability, we cannot provide for our needs. We are now living in a complete crony capitalist system that is ready to collapse at any moment. God help us! Sanford Staab Redneck Review! No. 335 - 9/26/2021 An Open letter to President Joe Biden! Part 3 and FINAL! Recap. In last RNR's, the claim was: "President Joe" back off! Item 1 was his continued support of legal abortion, a practice continuing since 1973 of removing unborn babes from the womb to the tune of some 65 MILLION innocent potential citizens, averaging over 3000 PER DAY! You do the math! And do not forget during that research, that some of the methods, like late term ones, involve some of the most barbaric methods imaginable! Modern "politically correct" Americans would go berserk if the same techniques were openly used on animals! The claim made here is that this practice, sometimes allowing survivors to die on a table or in the case of one convicted abortionist, to be slain by a scissors cut to the neck of survivors! This practice alone dwarfs all other claims to legitimacy, POTUS Joe! The #2 issue claimed here in an earlier RNR, dealt with the current southern border fiasco. The news is not hard to find that denying the massive influx of immigrants is not really so bad after all, as nearly 100 dead bodies of invaders have been found by local residents, unfortunate victims of desert waste and high heat, lack of food and water as some of the more desperate have taken to alternate routes to avoid detection. Honest research tells us parent less children are stacked up like cord wood in some areas, as overworked agents dealing with thousands entering every day are simply swamped. Just recently it was documented that agent horse use to stop the illegal flow was told "No more horses," despite the fact in parts of the walled border, no roads exist, and enforcement requires agents to walk if not ride to stop the more determined. Claims of some of our highest officials that said riders used whips to drive back invaders were grossly exaggerated, depending of course on the practice of "politically correct" reports usually taking the side of the invaders, and not the harassed officials, desperately trying to enforce the law they are mandated to do! For the true picture, a concerned citizen MUST tune into the news reported by the two contrasting groups of reporting agencies. The #3 issues explored last week included the deploying throughout America at our expense the thousands of invaders, untested for covid, and allowed, unvetted for criminal records, to enter cities across the country; to do so without a mask mandate, and without a working system requiring that they appear sometime to justify their entry. And of course, the ignored serious implications of the disastrous pull out of Kabul of our troops, leaving behind estimated billions of dollars of military equipment, including helicopters, and modern armory making in the opinion of several knowledgeable individuals, the celebrating Taliban the best militarily equipped group in the Middle East today. Recent reports still tell of not only thousands of allied citizens left to endure the savage revenge of the Taliban, but even large numbers of American citizens who struggle still today to get out of the country. Little news is available on the PC group today! Other issues detrimental to the survival of our nation includes the immediate closure of the trans American pipeline, immediately costing large numbers of high paying workers their jobs, but in the process, moving us from our temporary number one world position as the supplier of fossil fuels, to our old status of depending on foreign sources for the same fuel. And the recent order by our president that all employers of firms with more than 100 must be vaccinated, regardless of immunity from earlier survival of the virus, and of religious and other concerns about the facts that the "vaccines" in every case are not vaccines at all, but are involved with genetic alterations that are proving more and more to be long term impediments to health and sterility! And do not forget the current demands for mask wearing and vaccinations for children rarely impacted at all by the virus! The list goes on! Do not take my word for it! Do your own research! Compare the contrasting opinions of the opposing TV and press sources! Trust neither one by itself! Jake Wren |