October events for Tri-Parish Youth Dear Parents and Teens. The days are getting colder, and the signs of Fall are definitely upon us. We welcome this new season with an invitation for you to join us in our youth group opportunities during this new month of October. We will be fasting, praying, playing, learning, sharing, worshipping, eating, and planning. We began the month with Adoration on Oct. 1st at St. Mary’s Church at 10:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this special hour with the Lord. It truly is a special time! I will be attending the Catholic Ed. Conference virtually on Friday and Saturday. Please pray for all who are attending this weekend of learning and growth throughout the diocese! On Oct. 4th I met with the Jesus and Coffee group after school at the Habit at 3:30 at the Habit. On Wednesday, Oct. 6th the High School “Encounter” group will meet at 6:30 for food and 7:00 for our session. This session is open to all High School youth, but I especially invite the youth who participated in the Stanley retreat to attend. We will be working on “faith activations” during our sessions. This is a great time to grow deeper in the Holy Spirit and allow God’s presence to speak to you in a deeper way! On Oct. 9th we will begin our 30 hour fast at the Ferdinand Hall at 10:00 am. You will be asked to begin fasting at 3:30 a.m. and finish on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. You must pick up a permission /information form in the file on the porch at the Church office before attending. You are asked to collect 35.00 in donation for World Vision and Catholic Relief Services as well as $10.00 for materials. Please bring this money with you to the Fast. We will also be collecting donations after Mass at Assumption on Sat. evening at the 5:00 p.m. Mass and after the 8:30 Mass on Sunday at St. Mary’s. We will set up a donation jar at St. Anthonys for the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Thank you everyone for your love and support for our youth and the less fortunate of our world. The adult Confirmation team will be meeting on Oct. 11th at the Habit at 7:00 to plan for the Confirmation Blessing Rite and mini retreat. I would like to thank the team members and I look forward to seeing you, coffee will be provided! I will be attending the Deanery meeting in Moscow with Father Paul on Tuesday, Oct. 12th. We will have our Jr. High Faith Night on Wed. Oct. 13th at the OMG. We will have dinner at 6:30 and our faith session at 7:00. All Jr. High are invited! On Oct. 20th the Jr. High and High School will be Trick or Treating for Canned Food for the Food Bank throughout our local towns. Please dress up for this event. We will have a costume contest. We will trick or treat from 6:00 to 7:30. Dinner will be served at 7:30 at St. Mary’s and costume judging will take place when we return. I AM IN NEED OF ADULT DRIVERS FOR THIS EVENT! PLEASE IF YOU CAN HELP, LET ME KNOW! IT’S A GREAT WAY TO SERVE OUR YOUNG CHURCH AND HELP THE LOCAL FOOD BANK! All youth who desire to be Confirmed in April 2022 are invited to the Blessing Rite at St. Mary’s Church on Sunday, Oct. 24th at 8:30 a.m. Please arrive by 8:15 and check in at the Sacred Heart Room. Following the Mass, we will have a mini retreat at St. Mary’s church beginning at 10:00 a.m. We will have breakfast and then the retreat take place until 12:30 p.m. Parents will be asked to join us at 12:00 p.m. for Adoration. On Oct. 27th the High School are invited for some Halloween fun as we plan a trip to Lewiston for a movie and a drive through dinner. I am asking the youth to dress up in their Halloween costumes. We will leave at 5:30 p.m. and return around 10:00 p.m. Please bring money for the movie and dinner. I will pay for snacks at the movie! May the Lord bless this month of October as we gather in His holy Name! In Christ, Debbie Tri Parish Youth Minister |