to the editor from this week's Chronicle
To the Editor Anyone Still Prefer Self Governance? Consider the last 20 months in Idaho. Huge, debt-ridden gratuities were accepted by Idaho’s Governor and Legislature, arbitrary mandates were issued, the executive branch bypassed the Legislature, and personal property was frozen. In addition, businesses accepted gratuities paid for by tomorrow’s children, and, many individuals chose idleness in exchange for debt ridden dole. By observation, many Idahoans became ‘subjects’, giving up individual industry and self-respect. Idaho seems more like a kingdom with a Governor ‘Lord’ Little and Speaker ‘Lord’ Bedke. But our Idaho (and nationally) is not a socialistic or communistic structure. We are not groups of chattel for moving to and fro or from one pen to another like cattle receiving shots. Some say it’s for our safety. I say, ‘In the name of safety/necessity’ is the creed of slaves, the argument of tyrants (Pitt, 1783). Unless I am missing something, above polices and behaviors show conversion to State Socialism. Complicit individuals and these elected officials need (SS for State Socialists) behind their name instead of (R) for Republican. Scott Perrin Cottonwood, Idaho Redneck Review! No. 341 - 11/7/21 I say it is "Decision Time" for all patriotic Americans who love their country! By now it is obvious that the big battle going on today is between those folks who look to the past and remember that the country we are privileged to live in was founded on belief in a Creator God, and HIS historic son JESUS CHRIST! And the other side in this historic clash which will alter the future for the entire world for generations to come, is defended by those who are willing to put their entire trust in MEN. Current books by the dozens are making this claim, easy to see when one really thinks about what has been happening! In the past on many occasions, we have distinguished the two by suggesting the two following diagrams: God-->People-->Government, representing our original country, and Government-->People, representing the upstart which is firmly entrenched in our national government today! We have claimed this repeatedly in the past, and offer again our Declaration which says: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any government becomes destructive of these rights, it is the right of the people to ALTER OR ABOLISH IT!" And on the flip side, we are supposed to have confidence in a government which has taken the following positions today, up front and well publicized, and there for all to see! 1) Complete denial of our "Right to life" by brazenly supporting unregulated abortion, the clear killing of unborn and future citizens to the tune of around 3000 a day in callous denial of the Creators Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill!" A crime that screams to heaven for vengeance! Is this not just MEN dictating, while ignoring the command of our Creator God? 2) Brazen demands that ALL GET VACCINATED, despite the readily available evidence that harvested aborted baby tissue may be used in developing some of the vaccines, and that a large number of the unvaccinated HAVE ALREADY SURVIVED the Corona virus and have the natural immunity which follows. And, O yes! What about the highly acclaimed recent news that vaccines are now available for kids 5 to 11, and that the goal is to vaccinate all of almost 30 million of these youngsters in the future? Despite the fact that the evidence shows that this group is barely affected by the corona anyway? Does our original government allow a few so called experts in Wash D.C. make national decisions for parents who USED TO BE the boss of their own kids! What in blazes is going on anyway? Are we supposed to just sit back and turn over such decisions to our all wise government? 3) And there is much, MUCH more! Currently, our government is ignoring the huge influx of illegal mobs by the thousands entering our country, unvaccinated, not required to wear masks, then shipped at our expense to areas around the country, free to spread the virus without any concern of our government. And to top it all off, and totally blow the minds of our long term citizens, that same national government headed by our current president has proposed that $450,000 be given to some of these incoming folks in restitution for the harm we have done to them in the past! Good Lord! Has total insanity invaded our government leaders? For a nation that is around $29 trillion dollars in debt, should one not ask "Where will we get all this money?" And there is more! In Saturday's Tribune, 11/6, one finds a dozen proposed expenditures at a cost of $550 BILLION! Are we not in debt some $29 trillion already? And is serious inflation not on the horizon which will throw everything out of kilter! (More next week on our future!) Jake Wren |