School Board meets The school board met Monday, Nov. 15, and passed a change to the drug and alcohol free workplace policy in regards to extra curricular coaches and volunteers. Superintendent Jon Rehder said it removes the gray areas of the previous policy and at the board request was expanded to include any advisers or chaperons. The board also discussed a policy on the hiring process and criteria. The board asked that some changes be made to the proposed addition to the policy. Rehder will make those changes and bring it back to the December meeting. Keith Holcomb and Pat Alfrey received their certificates of election. Aaron Hinkelman will also be starting a new term in January but was unable to attend. Holcomb and Hinkelman were unopposed for re-election and therefore no election needed to be held. Alfrey outpolled two challengers to retain her seat on the board. The board approved a new Jr./Sr. High School checking account with Cottonwood Credit Union. The account had been with US Bank. The local branch is closing in January and at issue is making deposits, especially cash deposits. In the administrative reports Matt Eleven said the parent/teacher conferences went well. Also FAFSA night went well. Elven was informed that Prairie had the highest percentage of participation in the state. He spent some time going over video camera upgrades and the merits of the two bids received. They are looking at going with a new digital system to expand areas of coverage into some areas not as yet covered. They would still use the current analog cameras but when those need replaced, new digital ones can be added to the new system. Knowledge Bowl has a great turnout this year with 33 students involved. They are currently in first place in the league standings. There are 20 girls out for high school basketball with the first JV game held last Friday. The first varsity game is set for Thursday. Boys basketball had their first practice Monday with 26 players turned out. The Veterans Day assembly went very well. FFA had 7 students travel to the U of I for competitions on Nov. 12. The Idaho County Shootout is back this year but it will be primarily a food bank benefit. There won’t be a competition between the schools other than that on the basketball court. Rehder reported they had 96% attendance at parent/teacher conferences. The R3 assembly went well. They ended the assembly with the school fight song. He has requested having the Elementary band students learn to play it and is teaching the lyrics to the students. In his facility report he noted Rick Forsmann assisted the convent in the installation of their new pump system. Forsmann is still working on getting a geologist up to the high school to look into a separate water source. He reported Forsmann has been measuring for the new water pipes at the Elementary School. It may be awhile before the new pipe can be ordered. They are also looking into replacing the 2 water heaters at the Elementary. The current ones are obsolete and you can’t get parts. When the new pipe system is completed they plan to add 2 new water heaters in the cafeteria. They are looking into switching out the lights in the Auxiliary Gym for LED lights. Avista’s grant availability will extend into 2022. They are also looking into removing the risers in the band room so that music director Terryn Pitcher can place her music groups together better. Pitcher said risers were big years ago but most music rooms are now all floor level. Rehder has continued to look into an elevator for the high school. He found out Rene’ Forsmann had looked into this back in 2013 with Rhonda Wemhoff of Wemhoff Architecture and she had recommended a lift instead of an elevator due to the huge cost difference. In his superintendent report Rehder said he is still working on school board zone maps. Once completed he is asking for 2 copies, 1 for his office and the other for the board meeting room. He has a committee of 9 people, including himself, working on the 2022-23 school calendar. He came up with 4 alternatives to give the committee some place to start. If there is someone from the public seeking to make input, contact him at the school. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. |