Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor
Do Little and Bedke Support Seeds of Idleness?
Vast gratuities from a debt ridden public treasury are willingly accepted by Idaho’s Governor and Legislature, and us. These false gratuities often encourage idleness. Show me an idle home and in a few years I will show you a dilapidated house with broken windows and chipped paint. Show me an idle pony and in a short time I will show you a fat pony that needs its hooves trimmed. Show me an outdoor piece of equipment that is idle and I will show you rust. Show me an idle farm field and I will show you a field of weeds.  Idleness is pernicious, but individual industry is healthy. Individual industry unlocks individual potential. One’s work is the manufacture of wealth and production, not a money printing press. Has the Good Book’s counsel ‘in the sweat of thy face’ been rescinded? Maybe Governor Little, Speaker Bedke and Idaho’s Legislature ‘need a checkup from the neck up’. Maybe we do too. Perhaps all of us can do better.
Scott Perrin
Cottonwood, Idaho

To the Editor
If one drives through a stop sign and gets pulled over and given a ticket and says “But I didn’t see the stop sign” or “I didn’t know I had to stop” or “but I did no harm to anyone” the cop will tell you “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse” and give you the ticket.
If someone like say Joe Biden or Governor Little decides to issue an emergency decree/law/mandate beyond the limits of the constitution and clearly shows he is not pursuing constitutional means to his ends, what happens to him? Years pass and the courts find that his mandate was unconstitutional… yet these guys continue in office as if nothing has happened and are punished in no discernible way.
This kind of unaccountability happens in congress as well. Some rep can pass legislation that say steals from a public trust fund such as Social Security or say bribes all the governors to issue mandates by offering billions of dollars (printed out of nothing) to any state that issues an emergency or say passes clearly unconstitutional legislation based on irrational fear set up by say a false flag operation (911/The Patriot Act), what happens to that rep? Nothin.
This is the glaring double standard everyone can see that makes criminals out of ordinary citizens doing no harm to anyone while giving a pass to officials that cause massive damage to the very people they are sworn to serve.
Are we ready to do something?
Sanford (Sandy) Staab

Redneck Review!
No. 345 - 12/5/21
If you really think about it, it is quite simple!  To predict the future of any country which is based on either of the two contending philosophies in our country and the world today!
On the one hand, is the more traditional and fruitful way of life advocated by a Creator God and HIS man-son Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and impact on history has filled hundreds of books down through the last 2000 years since HIS recorded life on earth.
On the other hand is the recent upstart which is making giant waves in our country today, promising almost utopia on earth given us almost FREE by the powers that be in our world today.  With conditions the way they are today, it is well worth the time to take a hard look at the two contradicting positions and ask which one of them holds the most promise!
Let's take a look at the basic beliefs and teachings of each.  Associated with the first is the belief that the universe was created by an almighty God, and is governed by HIM. And that HE is responsible for the tremendous resources that have allowed humans to live here for ages. And are still being discovered today with amazing new potential to help the billions of residents that live here,  to live better than the generations which lived here before. Think of fossil fuels, predicted to be exhausted by 2000 by many experts! On the hit list today, it is true for claimed bad affects on the environment.  But research tells us near 80% of power that we use to create modern living conditions comes from that source. And lets not forget the potential of the atom, which opens a whole new door of energy, if man can learn to control its fission and fusion properties. And water! Wow! How is it possible that billions who live here, can find it to use and to drink? The list goes on and on, but the bottom line is, this little hunk of dirt, earth, that we live on, is unbelievably rich in the resources we need. And the weather? Is it not not the more traditional belief that the guiding hand of the Creator regulates the rain, the seasons, the growth of plants, the miracle of life found in each new living creature? And finally, let us not forget that the same God-Man Jesus taught us the great Commandment: "Love God with whole heart and soul, and neighbor as oneself!" In other words, we are all brothers, and should treat each other as equals before our loving God!
But today, which way of thinking seems to dominate? Are we not expected to push our God to the side, and believe that man himself has the power to regulate all, and cure all problems? Are we not expected to believe all people have the right to live as the most comfortable do? And to move as they wish to any spot on earth where they prefer to live?  Should not the more wealthy, especially the white race, not share their preferred life styles with all, especially the colored races?  Should we not thus admit that the white race is responsible for suppressing the non-white races? Should we not therefore teach our children that this is true?  (Ever hear of CRT? Critical Race Theory? Or what about the new and fancy word WOKE?)
And is it not true that the method for reforming our lives and our nation is the replacement of our long and successful free enterprise system with a socialist system that guarantees the goals above?  And is it not true that socialism in the past has been a convenient stepping stone for the enactment of Marxist Communism? And has been documented by direct quotations in last issues of these RNR's?  Do the Marxist Communists not rely on conflict and hate, and the destruction of all religions and the notion of God in their quest to create their earthly utopia? And is it not true that every past effort to build that utopia has ended in poverty, death, and national collapse? Are not all these claims true and provable? And are we headed there ourselves?
Jake Wren


















Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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