to the editor from this week's Chronicle Redneck Review! No. 346 - 12/12/21 Might it not be profitable to ask how it is that we have arrived at the spot we are in today? In recent RNR's, we have looked back some 40 years to review what was happening back in the 1980's. In RNR's #343 and 344 for example, we offered a direct quote from world renowned "Russian novelist, historian, and political prisoner" Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who had escaped from the Soviet Union which had held him prisoner for a time because of his critical comments on the communist government in Russia at the time. Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal in June of 1983, Solzhenitsyn had issued the following warning: "The time when the U.S. could save itself by its own exertion may already have passed. To save itself would require a change of attitudes, when in fact these attitudes are still going the wrong way. Instead of girding itself for a struggle, the West (the U.S.) is still hoping for outside forces to save it through a kind of miracle." Found there also was a famous quote by Nikita Khrushchev who had claimed in our own country in 1959: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism but we can give their leaders small doses of socialism until they awake to find they have Communism." Following that we listed a near dozen communist goals that were given us by Cleon Skousen in his 1961 book, THE NAKED COMMUNIST, all of which have been achieved by the Party by this time. We speed forward in time now to November of last year, when for the first time in our own history, we elected, in a very controversial election, our current president, who with a most narrow lead in the Senate and only a bit bigger margin in the House, immediately saw our country impacted by a series of executive orders which moved us hard to the left and still farther down the road to fulfilling long established socialist and communist goals. The very same tactics which had been used repeatedly in the last 100 years to establish the kind of government wanted by our declared enemies, determined to add us to the growing list of communist countries. And we cannot claim we have not been warned over and over. Over the past five years, we have repeated here the warning of Frederik Bastiat, who in his book, THE LAW, written in the period when our Declaration was written and our Constitution was adopted, that countries that took from those who earned it and gave to those who did not, were guilty of what he called LEGAL PLUNDER. Legal only because governments doing it, bit still plunder, or in more common terms, THEFT, were doomed at the end, because the "plundered" people, tired of being stripped of their hard earned income, started demanding that they be on the receiving end also. Eventually Bastiat argued that the demands of the "receivers" would force "giving" governments to resort to debt to keep everyone happy, eventually causing overwhelming debt and bankruptcy. We might ask, was Bastiat correct in predicting our current situation? Or what about the experience of Davy Crockett, who as a representative sent to Washington to serve in the House there, received a severe reprimand by constituent Horatio Bunce, who ripped into him for voting money to burned out families in Washington D.C. Bunce entitled his criticism NOT YOURS TO GIVE, by arguing very logically that it was not government's job to be handing out welfare, and argued convincingly that once started it would continue to grow as governments struggled to stay in power. In simple logic, Bunce argued that the gifts of this kind often ended up in the pockets of people much better off than many of the poorer folks who still were required to pay takes. A kind of REVERSE ROBIN HOOD phenomenon! (And many more examples of evidence from the past will be found here in weeks to come!) Jake Wren |