Ski Skoop Woohoo!! It was a crazy and amazing weekend with the Prairie Pirate’s School escaping to the Cottonwood Butte Ski Area on Friday followed by a fun night of skiing. We had about 150-160 kids from the 4th through 8th-grades visit the ski hill to learn to ski and just have fun. We will still be welcoming anyone who wishes to enjoy a day or two at the ski hill for this coming weekend. We are open from 10am to 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays and are anticipating two more nights of skiing, Febuary11th and March 4th, from 6pm to 10pm. We are looking forward to seeing you and helping you at the grill, on the skis, and everywhere else, so visit us in this entirely new world where there is snow everywhere just waiting for you! There are lessons offered on Saturdays for one and all. You can also find work there if you are 16 years or older. For more information about job opportunities, lift tickets, lessons, and rentals, check out our Facebook page, website, call the lodge at 962-3624, or email at Happy escaping and the best of wishes from the CBSA board members!! Some Prairie students enjoying the day on the Butte last Friday. Photo by April Lustig. Skiers line up to be taken back to the top of the hill. Photo by April Lustig. |