Cottonwood City Council meets The Cottonwood City Council held their February meeting Monday, Feb. 14. The park pavilion project was discussed. Linda Nida said there is the possibility of someone making a large donation that would like to name the pavilion. The council also approved transfer funds, if needed, to the project to get the bidding process going with the provision that the funds would be reimbursed from fundraising. Greg Danly was officially re-appointed as fire chief after the volunteer firemen had voted for him to continue. Cottonwood Youth Sports came in with proposals to add some batting cages at the Wimer ballfields as well as a utility shed. They would also like to look into getting power to the batting cages for pitching machines. A $1200 credit on sewer service was granted to Craig Duclos in his request to get unpaid fees covered on a property he purchased. He would still be liable for any other unpaid fees. An employee pay raise was approved after said employee got certification for drinking water testing. The City is also going to look into taking debit or credit card payments. In reports, Terry Cochran talked about the recent road closure and that he’s looking to getting some items such as air mattresses or cots that could be used by stranded travelers. He also said NICI sent down a crew to help rebuild 10 pallets of sandbags that would be available if the city gets flooding from snow melt or spring runoff. In the water report, meter readings were estimated leading to reports of 2.2 million gallons pumped and 1.63 million sold for a loss of 28%. In the sewer report, the meeting with the city engineers was discussed. There was nothing to report from the street department. Kristi Holthaus reported the airport may need to replace some runway lights that have been damaged by snow and plowing. They will soon be letting bids for the slurry seal that will be grant funded. The fire department had 1 lift assist and 1 call for a burn pile during the past month. Chief Danly also invited the Council to tour the fire department building. They will do that next Monday, Feb. 21. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 14, at 7 p.m. |