Hope Center to hold open houses
Grangeville and Kamiah Hope Centers are planning an Open House at each facility.
At the events, each center will provide a children’s activity, food and drinks, door prizes, free diaper and wipes while supplies last.
Kamiah Hope Center Open House will be held Monday, June 6, from 4 to 7 p.m.
Grangeville Hope Center Open House will be held on Wednesday, June 8, from 4 to 7 p.m.
Please come and check out the Hope Centers.

We would like to thank all the individuals that participated and donated to our Walk for Life held on May 7th.
We would also like to thank the local businesses that donated gifts for the door prizes. Those businesses were: LeAnne’s Flower Shoppe, Grangeville Flower Shoppe, Irwin Drug, Blue Fox Theater, Larson’s and The Health Food Store.
We want to thank Sts. Peter and Paul Parish for letting us use their activity Center and the Parish Knights of Columbus members for preparing the breakfast for everyone. Walk for Life is our annual fundraiser for our Hope Centers to help support our continued efforst to serve our communities.
Another purpose for our annual event is to promote our pro-life message.
Grangeville and Kamiah Hope Centers
Julie Church










Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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