History of Sports class award winners
Travis Mader’s History of Sports class had its award banquet Friday, May 27. Following are the winners from throughout the year.
Women's March Madness Contest: Aubree Rehder and Meranda Klapprich
Men's March Madness & NFL "Pick'em" Challenge": Cody Kaschmitter
College Football Bowl Challenge: Wyatt Latimer
Fantasy Football Champions: Alli Geis & Taylor Riener
Cornhole Champs: Noah Behler & Cody Kaschmitter
Each winner is shown in their desired shirt for winning the competition. The shirt had to be from whatever sport contest we did in class.

Miranda Klapprich and Aubree Rehder were the Women's March Madness winners.

Alli Geis and Taylor Riener were the Fantasy Football champions.

Cody Kaschmitter won both the Men's March Madness and the NFL Pick'em Contest.

Wyatt Latimer won the College Football Bowl Game Challenge.

Cody Kaschmitter and Noah Behler were the Cornhole Champions. All photos by Travis Mader.

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