St. John Bosco Senior awards
Following is the official list of awards and scholarships earned by the 3 graduates this year at St. John Bosco Jade Prigge, Valedictorian, High Drama 4 years, Basketball 4 years, Volleyball 4 years,
Academic Bowl 4 years, Student Government 2 years, 80 hours of
Apostolic Service Certificate of AppreciationThe Excelsior Award from St. John Bosco Faculty Cottonwood Lion’s Club Citizenship Award, with scholarship of $50 Lewis-Clark State College Presidential Scholarship - $2500 (renewable for 4 years), Counselor Leadership Scholarship - $500, High School Leadership Scholarship - $500, Farm Bureau Participation - $100 Erin Wassmuth, Salutatorian, High Honors: Drama 4 years, Academic
Bowl 4 years, Student Government 2 years, Volleyball 1
year, 80 hours of Apostolic Service Certificate of AppreciationThe Patriot Award from St. John Bosco Faculty Carroll College Bishop Carroll Award - $23,000 (renewable for 4 years), Borromeo Guild Grant - $3477 (renewable for 4 years), Idaho Advantage Award - $2000 (renewable for 4 years), Catholic High School Room Grant - $2633 (renewable for 4 years), Benedictine College St. Benedict Scholarship - $19,000 (renewable for 4 years), Raven Grant - $1121, College of Idaho Presidential Scholarship - $20,000 (renewable for 4 years), Idaho County Farm Bureau Scholarship - $2,000 Dani Sonnen, High Honors: Drama 4 years, Academic
Bowl 4 years, Basketball 3 years, Volleyball 3
years, Student Government 3 years, 80 hours of Apostolic Service
Certificate of AppreciationSt. John Bosco Awardfrom St. John Bosco Faculty Benedictine College Abbott Scholarship - $15,000 (renewable for 4 years), Franciscan University St. Anthony Grant - $7000 (renewable for 4 years), Franciscan Grant - $5000 (renewable for 4 years), Presidential Circle - $4000 (renewable for 4 years), Lewis-Clark State College Presidential Scholarship - $2500 (renewable for 4 years), Idaho County Fair Royalty Scholarship - $450, Idaho County Light and Power Scholarship - $650, Farm Bureau Participation - $100, Idaho Opportunity - $3500 (renewable for 4 years) Idaho Lewis County Cattle Association Scholarship- $1,000.