to the editor from this week's Chronicle Redneck Review! No. 372 - 6/12/22 Over and over, every concerned citizen in this "Greatest of all countries" needs to rethink how we got here, where we are headed, and what are the current challenges which might send us to the graveyard of other great civilizations that have gone before us. The "Greatest of all countries" will not be argued here, since the proof is all around us. Which other current country can challenge us for the freedom we have experienced over the past few hundred years? Which other country has been a melting pot of people literally from all around the world, who have come here to seek a more desirable life? Can any other country challenge us today as a destination point of current thousands who flood across our southern border, for again the same reason, a desperate search for a land of freedom and opportunity? And by the way, critics we have for sure, but has anyone heard of a mass migration out of this country? And is it not important that each of us become more aware of "How we got here" and why this country in a relative short time has moved to the top all nations, recognized around the world for its living conditions, its willingness to help other struggling nations faced with foreign invasion or of problems with starvation and disease? WW's I and II certainly testify to this fact, as well as countless other examples of nations in need because of other national emergencies. The "How we got here" and "What are the current challenges" that challenge us can better be understood if we review briefly the basic beliefs one discovers in the very foundation of the two major forces in conflict today, each offering a world view and a different picture of America. In recent RNR's, it has been documented that the United States was founded on a belief in a Creator God, and HIS historic son Jesus Christ, and the religion traced back to HIM with the given name CHRISTIANITY. The Bible, the Ten Commandments, and the Greatest of all commandments in HIS own words, "Love God with whole heart and soul, and neighbor as self," form the foundation of this philosophy. Both the government and economic convictions of those early Americans promoted responsible FREEDOM, recognition of individual differences, and the need for each individual to do his part, based on talents given, and respect and help for others handicapped in one way or another. In brief, the universal brother hood of man under the father hood of a Creator, bonded together with the important glue of LOVE. So what do we see on the opposing side, determined to replace the old fashioned ideas above, and replace them with what? For starters, a required belief in atheism - no God! And workingman is the ideal citizen, guided by a group of superiors who will manage the system from above and create a virtual paradise on earth where all will share equally under the motto "From each according to ability, to each according to need." Private ownership, the root of all evil, will be done away with, and socialism will replace capitalism and it with its wealthy ownership class will "wither away" leaving only the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat." (The working class). The ultimate goal will be reached by an evolutionary process of CONFLICT, promoted and based on HATE! With the total destruction of ownership, envy will disappear, and conflict and wars will cease. Peace and harmony will reign! A few quotes will support the analysis above. Lenin: "Down with religion. Long live atheism!"Lunarcharsky - Commissar of education: "We hate Christians..., they preach love of neighbor. Down with love... what we want is hate..." Lenin: "Marxists never forget that violence plays an important part in the collapse of Capitalism." Krushchev: "We do not expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism. We encourage their leaders to give them first small doses of socialism until they awake and find they have Communism." And many more like these! Jake Wren