School Board meets The school board approved the budget for the 2022-23 school year at their June meeting Monday, June 13. They also approved the preschool agreement for the upcoming school year. Resignations approved were for Kyle Westhoff as varsity baseball coach, Glenn Poxleitner as Jr. High Cross Country Coach, Cara Duman as head cook and Sharon Daimler as janitor. Poxleitner will continue as the high school Cross Country coach. Approved for hire were Duman as a paraprofessional, Daimler as the head cook and Shelley Stamper as Janitor. Other positions filled were Steve Wilson as 8th grade boys basketball coach and Dave Young as Jr. High Cross Country coach. Jeff Martin and Eric Coffelt will each take over some of the athletic director duties replacing Kim Schumacher. Matt Elven and Travis Mader will handle some of the athletic director duties. In the reports Elven shared the results of their high school attendance board meetings for the 3 students who surpassed the limit on absences. In two cases credit was denied as either the student didn’t show up or neither the parents and student didn’t show up for their hearings. The third student did receive credit for the 6 classes they had passing grades in. A shooting machine was purchased with boys and girls basketball funds plus a match from the Prairie Booster Club. This was pushed for by new head boys coach Tim Scheffler and will help players get repetitive shooting practice without having to spend most of their time chasing after the basketball. Elven said he is interested in being the assistant junior high football coach joining Jeff Martin. He had discussed this already with superintendent Jon Rehder and was letting the school board know. Elven said they are also looking at a cross country co-op with Grangeville, which is trying to get a program started. The Grangeville athletes and coach will do fundraising to pay any costs they would incur. They would provide their own transportation to meets. They would compete during the season as JV runners for Prairie but come District time would then compete as Grangeville runners. This is similar to the Prairie athletes that wrestle with Grangeville. In Rehder’s elementary principal report he said the roll-up visits where students visit their next year’s classroom went well. There were several year end field trips and visits that all went well. The Spring Concert was well attended. Kindergarten graduation was held with Mrs. Frei doing a great job with it. Each Kindergartner walked down the aisle with one of the high school graduates. Field Day was a success. As part of it Tom Gehring did an airplane flyover dropping candy. On the last day of school the talent show went great as did the end of the year BBQ with parents helping with the cooking. In the facilities report Rehder said the storage container has been purchased and is supposed to be delivered this week. It will set on the north side of the auxiliary gym and will be used to store wrestling mats and other items. The camera installation started this week with pulling wires at the Elementary School. They will be working the next 2-3 weeks in the school buildings. Gym floors will be refinished June 25-26th with the same company as last year doing the job. 2 new wall heaters are being installed in what will be Kim Schumachers room (formerly Colleen Sonnen’s). The old unit will be kept as backup. City Electric will be working with Rick Forsmann on some electrical updates so they will be ready if they ever have to replace another heating unit. Rehder said he feels the time is now to go ahead with the high school gym foyer expansion. They have ESSER funds that need to be used by 2024 plus some MAFA funds that can be used. He said he had someone come up to him at graduation who just had his last child graduate and tell him they need to do something about the bathrooms at the gym. The board gave him the go-ahead to pursue this. Lindsleys started carpet tile installation June 6 at the high school and once done there will move to the Elementary for some tile installation. There will also be new tile installed in the Auxiliary Gym from the restroom area to the board room. 2 new water heaters for the Elementary have been purchased. They are still working on how to get the old ones removed. LED lights will be installed in the Auxiliary Gym by LiveWire Electric. With the rebates from Avista this will be a very low cost project. After it is done the gym will be brighter and the costs lower. In his superintendent’s report Rehder noted the levy passed with 64% approval. In bus news, Hometown Auto & Ag has the bus that needs a new engine and is likely to get it installed by the end of the week. Jack Duman is completing the work on the bus that was in the accident and should have it done soon. Dave Shears has ordered the new bus for the 2023-24 school year since they are backed up on orders for about 12 months. Also, they are in need of bus drivers. It would be nice to have more certified drivers in case they need to fill spots when regular drivers aren’t available for routes or for activities. Rehder said he has ordered the shot clocks for the high school gym. The Booster Club donated $2750 and Jim and Sally Rehder donated $2000 toward the purchase cost of $4953.The remaining $203 came from the athletics fund. They should be in by November. They won’t be needed until the 2023-24 seasons. Rehder just wanted to be sure they had them here and ready due to supply chain issues. They still need to hire an Ag Teacher and a K-12 Music Teacher. They have a possible part-time music teacher interested that would probably be doing just the Elementary School. Gus Hoene said his wife has a daughter that is graduating next year with K-12 music certification that might be interested. He will pass along her contact info. She is currently in Florida but really liked it here when she visited. As for the Ag teacher they have also been looking into someone with work experience that may not necessarily be certified. They still need to have at least a college degree though. The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. The next regular meeting wlll be Monday, July 18 at 7 p.m. |