Estimate your property taxes at Want
to know what your property tax bill might be this year? Residents in 38
Idaho counties can estimate their 2022 property taxes by using a
calculator on the Idaho State Tax Commission’s website at The calculator is available through a link in the “Quick Picks” section of the home page. To use the estimator, you’ll need the net taxable property value and tax code area information listed on your property tax assessment notice. Estimates the calculator provides might not include levies for new taxing districts and recent voter-approved funds. They also don’t include fees (e.g., solid waste, forest protection) that might be billed on tax notices. Please contact your county treasurer for a list of fees in your area. Actual tax amounts will be determined after cities, counties, and other taxing districts set their budgets in late summer. “We know homeowners are concerned about their taxes this year because property values have increased significantly throughout Idaho,” Tax Commission Chairman Jeff McCray said. “But the rate of increase in your property taxes usually won’t equal the rate of increase in your property’s value.” All property in Idaho is in multiple taxing districts. Taxing districts are government units such as counties, cities, school districts, sewer districts, fire districts, library districts, etc. The amount of tax a property owner pays is based on the budgets set by all taxing districts where the property is located. But the budgets are restricted and can’t typically grow by more than 3% per year, plus an allowance for new construction, with the total increase limited to 8%. The tax estimator is a joint effort between the Tax Commission and these participating counties: Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, and Washington. Please contact your county assessor with any questions about your property’s valuation.