Greencreek Celebration set for Monday Cliff Tacke is the grand marshal for this year's Greencreek’s Annual 4th of July Celebration which is set for next Monday, July 4. The day starts with a flag raising at 6 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at St. Anthony’s Church at 7 a.m. The famous breakfast will be served from 7 to 10 a.m. At noon Street Sports will Start. Also at noon the Altar Society will be selling burgers and pies in the hall. At about 1 p.m. the Prize Drawing will be held followed by the Auction at about 2 p.m. There is bingo all day inside the Hall with several kiddie rides and activities outside. With the hall renovation the outside concession stand has been removed and rebuilt on the north end of the hall. There will also be a beergarden. |