Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

Redneck Review!
No. 375 - 7/3/2022
"And the rockets red glare, The bombs bursting in air...Gave proof through the night,
That our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner still wave,
Over the land of the Free and the home of the Brave?"
July the 4th, here it came once again, Sparklers and rockets and firecracker din,
The sounds that signaled our nation's birth, And gave us the best spot to live on this earth!
Oh, say, does that banner continue to wave, Are your people still free, can you still be called brave?
Back in the days when this nation was born, The struggle for freedom had us battered and torn,
But we prayed and we struggled and sacrificed too, We carved out a nation to pass down to you.
Oh say, by the way, is your flag still up there? Do you honor and respect it, do you continue to care?
Down through the years, we continued the fight, For evil and error always attack what is right.
Eternal vigilance we learned is truly the key, The price that is paid to stay truly free.
Oh say, we do wonder, does that banner still fly, Over a vigilant people with love of country still high?
We learned in the old days certain wars must be fought, Some against armies, others evil and rot!
From our study of history this lesson we did learn, Each generation must take up the fight in its turn.
Oh say, might we ask, are you still doing your part, To keep strong this nation so dear to our hear?
Are you still thankful, do you still kneel and pray? Do you give 'til it hurts, do you do it each day?
Do you look to the future, do you smile or you cry, When you see the trust in each child's bright eye?
Oh say, let us say,  as we see the flag flying there, We'll prove to the world we do love, we do care!
Let's all resolve as this next 4th rolls around, To get into the battle, fight to hold the good ground.
Put selfishness behind us, struggle with all our might! Quit compromising, stand up for all that is right!
Oh say, in the future, when that banner still waves, Our record will prove we are still free and brave!
(Copy of poem written in the 1980's under the title, LET FREEDOM RING!)
Jake Wren 






Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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