to the editor from this week's Chronicle Redneck Review! No. 378 - 7/24/22 Options! We all have options! Maybe choices would be a better word to choose! Regardless, this morning is option time for myself, and after a few seconds of mental prayer, a decision was made to choose the advice of one of my sons and switch to a more personal topic for this RNR! Therefore, the latter part of this article is a copy of a "Card of Thanks" that was sent by myself to three area newspapers that carried the obituary of my wife Marianne's quick exit from this earth to a better place we know exists above and beyond this battered world, and the people living init! My thinking was triggered by the many condolences and expressions of sympathy sent by the many of you email friends who will not see the "Thanks" in area newspapers. To you and all the others who knew Marianne, I sincerely thank you! My original intent today was to devote this entire RNR to something which is as inevitable as the death that came on so suddenly with Marianne. A quick look at today's spot price of both silver and gold showed both DOWN again, silver lower by 22 cents to a ridiculous price of$18.45. If and I say IF deliberately, you have followed what has been happening to the silver prices the past couple of decades, dating back to around 2008, you know that a big bank, J.P. Morgan started "shorting" silver about that time, meaning that it offered the public, contracts to buy silver AT A LOWER PRICE than the spot price at the time. That of course naturally causes the price to decline to that "shorted" price! Then the bank started buying actual silver instead of the paper contracts to own the silver they themselves were offering. Well known silver expert Theodore Butler, perhaps the nation's keenest observer of the nation's gold and silver markets, claims that the Morgan bank has accumulated around two billion ounces of actual silver, stored in their own warehouses, as well as other available places. Because of the testimony of a couple of bank officials who began to worry about this illegal manipulation, a court decision levied a fine of almost one billion dollars against the bank, forcing them to stop the practice. BUT, another big bank, BOA, is attempting to duplicate the Morgan effort, shorting silver with paper contracts, then buying the actual metal, but avoiding the illegal tactics that stopped Morgan's method! This too will end, possibly as quickly as Marianne's death, then prices will sky! (Card of Thanks follows.) From our now departed and beloved Marianne, wife, mother, grand mother, great grand mother, friend to countless others, and her large family; husband Jerry, four daughters, six sons, fifty seven grand children, and a near-two dozen and growing number of great grand children, comes our most sincere and heart felt and sincere THANK YOU for the enormous out pouring of Masses, memorials, flowers, cards, and gifts of food, beverages, phone calls, visits, and other expressions of concern and sympathy sent our way since her sudden departure July 13. We add our thank you to those of you who were able to attend her funeral Mass on that day, and stay for the reception later in our local hall. We know that Marianne was looking down from her now place of rest on all of you, and beaming with delight at the huge number of family and friends who had gathered to pay their respects or had in other ways made contact with her and her family this last time. Our heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU to all of you! We add a special thank you to priest son Fr. Bruce, who had to drive from and back to Chicago due to bad weather reports, and to Fr. Reuben Nuxoll, both priest members of the Legion of Christ who officiated, and the special music provided by Sally Rehder and Deb Clark, the altar boys and the others who help in one way or the other during the Mass and the reception. We add our thanks to the St. Mary's women who prepared the delicious dinner at the reception, and the Blackmer officials who closed the event at our Cottonwood Catholic cemetery. Our family and our beloved Marianne areforever indebted to all of you, and beg God's ample blessings on all of you in return. Jake Wren