Local students attend Youth Rally
The Youth Rally is a scholarship competition and leadership program sponsored by consumer-owned utilities throughout the Northwest. Each spring, six students are selected from the Clearwater Power service area to join 80 other students at the College of Idaho in Caldwell, Idaho. Most come from Idaho but many also come from Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Nevada, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming. For five-days, students work on leadership, teamwork, cooperation, and communication skills. It also promotes an understanding of the utility industry and in particular, public power.
Local students selected by Clearwater Power are Zane Uptmor of Prairie High School and Nicole Kinzer of Highland High School.
Local students selected by Idaho County Light & Power include Morgan Poxleitner and Miranda Klapprich, both of Prairie High School.
Each of the six students selected to represent Clearwater Power will receive a scholarship (ranging from $1000 - $1500) from Clearwater Power at our Annual Meeting in November. In addition, each student is eligible to earn another scholarship (ranging from $300 - $500) from ICUA at the Rally in July.
At the end of the camp, one delegate will be selected to represent us at the National Youth Tour in Washington D.C. the following June! The National Youth Tour is sponsored by National Rural Electric Association (NRECA).
High school sophomores and juniors in passing academic standing only (min. 2.0 GPA).
Parents or guardians must be co-op Members.
Students must complete the application process. The top six scores are then invited to attend. The application process includes:
400-Word Essay
20-Question Written Exam
Panel Interview Held in Lewiston, Idaho
​​​Applicants who were not selected as Sophomores can apply again as Juniors. Each student may only attend the Youth Rally once.
(This rule does not apply to students who are voted by their peers to return as 2nd-year directors. Please call for more information.)
The Youth Rally is sponsored by the ICUA and other participating utilities.