Blood drive exceeds goal
“With the severe shortage at blood banks
nationwide, we are so happy that once again, wereached our goal at our
drive on November1, 2022,” commented Brenda Kaschmitter, blood drive
co-chair.“Our goal was 90 and we collected 98 usable units”. We are
truly blessed to have the tremendous support of our community! There were 62 ‘regular’ units and 17 ‘double’ units (which count for 34) and two plasma units collected. During a ‘double’ red cell donation, blood is drawn from one arm and channeled through a sterile single-use collection set to an automated machine. The machine separates and collects two units of red cells and then safely returns the remaining blood components, along with some saline, back through the same arm. Donors have to meet specific criteria in order to donate the two units of blood; height, weight, age and have a specific blood type.Donors also have to wait 16 weeks before they can donate again, versus the 8 weeks for a regular unit. “Once again a big thank you to all of the amazing volunteers; Lydia Deiss, Judy Forsman, Kathy Kuther, Joyce Lorentz, Mary Lorentz, Sally Rehder, Colleen Sonnen, Sylvia Uhling and Theresa Uptmor” said Brenda, “The volunteer duties include, checking in and escorting donors, and offering maple bars, water and juice to the donors as well. We would also like to extend a big thank you to the VFW Post 491 for making lunch for the Vitalant workers, they are really grateful for this meal! We have some of the best volunteers around.” said Kaschmitter. “We are very happy that we had several first time donors at our last drive as well as this drive exclaimed Brenda Kaschmitter and we would like to acknowledge them;Noah Behler, Kristen Frish, Tara Mager, Jennay Nafziger, Jeanne Perry, and Sierra Spivey, our hopeis that they will now become life-long donors,” said Kaschmitter. Brenda would also like thank the 31 employees of St. Mary’s Hospital for their support of the blood drive by coming in and donating, we wouldn’t even get close to our goal, if it wasn’t for them! The hospital also purchases the maple bars, fruit and vegetables that the donors enjoy after donating blood. The next blood drive will be held on January 24, 2023; if you would like to make an appointment to give that day please contact Brenda Kaschmitter at 962-2112 or you can self-schedule by going online at Three first time donors at last week's blood drive are shown. From top down are Noah Behler, Kristin Frish and Jennay Nafziger. |