Cottonwood City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their
regular November meeting Monday, Nov. 14 and at the end of the meeting
were surprised when Councilman Lynn Guyer submitted his resignation. Guyer cited family and health reasons for his resignation. During the meeting the Council approved a request from VFW Post #4902 to waive the hall rent for their Voice of Democracy/Patriot’s Pen awards banquet held Saturday, Nov. 12. Mayor Keith Holcomb announced that the city had received $1150 from Blue Cross of Idaho for the Mayor’s Walk Challenge. The Elementary students he walked with thought the best use of that money was for it to go toward the new playground equipment in the city park. In his police report, Cottonwood Police Chief Terry Cochran reported on a motorhome and white van that appear to have been abandoned near Columbia Grain. The tow company that dropped the motorhome off said they were told by the person who allegedly owned the motorhome asked that it be dropped off there. A day or two later a white van was also apparently abandoned there. Cochran said the motorhome could cost the city $1000 to have it removed. There’s not likely enough value if it is scrapped to cover the removal cost. It was reported the city pumped 3,670,220 gallons of water and sold 3,506,100 gallons for a net loss of 4.4%. City Maintenance coordinator Pat Enneking and Amy Uptmor of JUB Engineering reported there are some issues with wells 2 and 4 that may lead to pulling the pumps and motors for maintenance at an estimated cost of $30,000 each. Enneking said he would like to get at least #2 done before spring so the city doesn’t wind up with just one working well when irrigating of lawns starts. There may be a similar issue with well #5 as it has now been in operation for 20 years. Uptmor said JUB is working on a plan and will have more details at the December meeting. In the sewer report Guyer said they have another sewer line being replaced. Enneking said they had a section that appears to have collapsed as they couldn’t get their camera through it. It appears they also may need to replace a manhole due to a sketchy looking connection that somehow got past inspection. Kristie Holthaus reported several potholes were patched in the streets and they have also had to plow snow already. Linda Nida reported the cabana has been moved and the bathrooms removed from the park. A fundraiser for the splash pad is embedding plaques with donors’ names. Bid documents for the pavilion will be going out soon. Holthaus reported the new signage for the airport is not up yet. A pavement inspection was also to be done this week. The Fire Department had 5 calls since the last meeting. They included a chimney fire, a fire at NICI and smoke from a downtown business building. In other business an ordinance required by their sewage treatment permit was discussed. A public hearing needs to be held first and that would take place prior to the December council meeting. The ordinance could then be approved during the meeting. Uptmor reported that the NRCS information is really close to final submission to the state for the stormwater project. Hopefully it will be by the end of this week. Then it’s up to the state to determine whether the project will be funded. The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. |