Cottonwood City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their January meeting Monday, Jan. 9.
They approved alcohol beverage licenses for Coyote’s One-Stop, An American Bar and Wolftrack Brewing. It was reported that the city’s building inspector has decided not to renew his license. The city has already contacted someone to take his place but had to jump through some hoops to make that work. The building inspector’s contract was automatically renewed in November so the council had to vote to terminate that contract, giving 30-days notice. They will take up the appointment of the new building inspector at the February meeting. The person they are looking at serves as building inspector for Nez Perce and Lewis Counties plus several of the area communities. The solid waste contract is coming up in April. City Attorney Joe Wright said according to state statutes it needs to be put out for bid unless the mayor makes some findings that they don’t have to. The council approved a fee increase for the city attorney. This brings his rate more in line with what he charges other communities. This will take effect Feb. 1. The council had it on the agenda to approve intent to provide water and sewer services for St. John Bosco Academy. Mayor Keith Holcomb said they don’t have everything ready yet from the engineers to make that approval. The engineer is working with the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to see what requirements need to be met. Wright said before they sign anything with the DEQ to let him review it first. As the school is outside the city limits there are several legal boxes that need to be checked. The council approved authority to submit a letter of interest for water and wastewater construction funding to JUB Engineers. This is necessary as part of the grant process. The council also approved Resolution #2023-1 to support the adoption of the Idaho Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is an update of the plan approved in past years reflecting issues that have already been addressed as well as any new issues that may come up. In reports Police Chief Terry Cochran reported the abandoned motor home left neat Columbia Grain is gone. Someone actually expressed interest in it and therefore it didn’t cost the city anything to have it removed. In the water report Debbie O’Neill said they pumped 1,975,300 gallons in December and sold 1,675,400 gallons for a 15% loss. For the year they pumped 40,255,900 gallons and sold 36,853,997 gallons for a loss of 7.99%. The 7.99% for the year is lower than most of the past several years. Brett Miller, new sewer commissioner, reported they replaced a sewer line on Pine Street. There was nothing else to report. Kristie Holthaus reported they did some asphalt patching of potholes in the streets and some snow plowing in December. Linda Nida reported they went to bid on the Park Pavilion. Also they were awarded a $10,000 grant by Avista for the project. Holthaus reported the signage on the end of the runways at the airport is done. They are looking at getting a new bid on the slurry seal as they are past the time frame for the previous bid. They are looking at doing the slurry seal in March. Holthaus said she talked with the state aeronautics board about one-time landing fees and they don’t recommend them. It sounds like they would be more trouble than they are worth. The city crew replaced the two lights that mark the runway at night. They have since ordered all the bulbs available from their current supplier who won’t be making them anymore. Converting over to LED lights would cost something like $10,000. Nida reported the fire department took part in the Christmas parade. Their only call was assistance on a vehicle collision on Highway 95. There were no fire calls in December. In other business, city clerk Lynn Thompson said they may be losing their hall cleaners as both just had babies. She believes she may have someone lined up to replace them. This could be an agenda item for the February meeting. Mayor Holcomb said they may possibly have to schedule a special meeting to approve a couple of alcohol beverage licenses before the end of January. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. |