10-Week shoot starts
The annual 10-week Camas Prairie Trapshoot began Sunday, Jan. 8.
During week 1 the Cottonwood Gun Club had 2 shooters score perfect 25’s and during week 2 they had 3 shooters with perfect 25’s.
Those shooting perfect 25’s in week 1 were Ryan Mader and Chase Nuxoll.
Other top scores: 24- Jake Wimer, Derek Schaffer; 23- Paul Forsman, Jean Spencer, Steven Baerlocher, Butch Spencer, Brian Schaeffer, Frank Spencer, Ashley Christopherson and Kira Baker.
Junior/High school top 5: 23- Devon Poxleitner, Ben Gehring; 22- Eli Goeckner; 21- Lane Mader, Tristian Mader and Lane Lustig.
Week 2 of the shoot was on Sunday, Jan. 15 with 60 shooters and sunny and breezy conditions.
Shooting perfect 25’s were Brandon Poxleitner, Jacob Wimer and Jeremy Ross.
Other top scores for the week: 24- Darrel Uhlorn, Paul Forsman, Ryan Mader, Gordon Harman, Conner Forsman, Brett Uhlenkott and Susan Schaeffer.
Junior/High school top 5: 24-Conner Forsman; 22- Lane Mader, Lane Lustig, Owen McIntire and Ben Gehring; 21- Eli Goeckner and Devon Poxleitner.