to the editor from this week's Chronicle Prairie Community PO Box 334, Cottonwood, Idaho 83522; 208-962-3714; cottonwoodlib@gmail.com It’s really about doing GOOD in the world; it’s not just about donations. As with all 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, we support our corporation with various fund-raising efforts. We can help your business achieve your benchmark for corporate responsibility to the community. Please consider Prairie Community Library when you select recipients this year for your business donations that add to your philanthropic reputation and result in goodwill assets. The mission of our lending library is to serve the book-related needs of area residents. Since 1985 Prairie Community Library volunteers have provided essential literary services to residents of the Camas Prairie. Find us down the front stairs in the Cottonwood Community Hall. The Library offers the free use of computers, internet and Wi-Fi. A dollar doesn’t go far today, but your previous donations have enabled our vision to “keep the Library a viable service, adapting to community needs as they arise.” Expenses continue to be paid; we have a fresh supply of popular books for circulation; encouraged volunteers continue applying for improved economic policies from vendors; basic investments are growing enough interest to fund some of our overhead. Library volunteers conscientiously recycle everything possible. We provide meeting space for community groups; Tuesday mornings are reserved for Story Hour for preschool children. Every summer a volunteer provides an attractive Summer Reading Program to enhance gainful reading skills during vacation. If you have a favorite cause, we may be able to partner with you. Let’s network for mutual support. Everybody needs something and sometimes we can give to receive! Any donation is greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. We currently have opportunities for volunteers who wish to learn more about Library management duties and seek an outlet for their talents. We wish you and all your loved ones great health and happiness and hope that you enjoy the full extent of the wonders our Library has to offer. President Kathleen Steinke, Vice-President Colleen Wilson, Secretary Carissa Jones, Treasurer Crystal Frei, & directors Mary Funke, Elaine Kennedy and