March events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth In Christ,
The season of Lent is upon us!  This season brings with it an opportunity to join Jesus in the desert!  We are challenged and invited to become more like Christ through living like him in action and deed.  As we prepare for Easter in April let us choose to make these sacrifices by joining in the youth group invitations and activities present during this holy month of March
The God Squad will be meeting in the Omg room on March 1st for practice.  We will have food at 6:30 which will be followed by practice.  Please have your saint monologues memorized by this date!  A beautiful way to live out lent is through spending time with Jesus in Adoration. 
On March 3rd you are invited to attend Adoration at St. Mary’s Church at 10:00 p.m.  All youth and adults are encouraged to attend this night in quiet time with the Lord!  
On March 5th the Confirmation class will meet for class at St. Mary’s Church at 10:00 a.m.  Please bring your completed Service project.
On March 6th I will be meeting with the Coffee and Jesus group at the Habit at 3:30.
On March 8th everyone who plans on attending ICYC will have a meeting at St. Mary’s Church.  You will receive all your information for the night for our ICYC weekend.  I invite parents to attend as well. God Squad will meet at the Church parking lot on March 9th at 12:15 and leave from the parking lot at 12:30.  Please don’t be late. Thank you, Tara Klapprich and Glenn Poxleitner, for bringing our group down.  (God Squad bring change of clothes for 3 days and include dress clothes for Mass on Sunday).  The ICYC bus will be arriving at Saint Mary’s on March 10th around 9:15 a.m.  I would like all of those registered for the bus to meet at St. Mary’s Church parking lot at 8:45 and be ready to leave by 9:15. (I will give you information on what to bring during our March 8th meeting) ICYC will take place in Bosie from March 10th through 12th.  Thank you to all who made this possible through your generous donations toward the bus and scholarships.  We would not have been able to go without your help!  May God bless you for your generosity!
On March 15th the Confirmation Class in asked to meet Debbie at the Church to practice the stations of the cross.  We will begin the night at 6:30 with food and practice will follow.
We will be hosting the Shadow stations on March 24th at 6:00 p.m.   I will also be working with Deacon Ryan with the Jr. High youth on the Living Stations.  We will be hosting these stations on March 17th at St. Mary’s at 6:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars for both the “Shadow” and “Living” stations. 
 The Confirmation class will be meeting on March 19th at 10:00 a.m. at St. Mary’s. 
The Jamaica team will meet on March 20th at the Habit at 7:00 p.m. to continue planning the June trip. Please bring your questions.   All Jr. High are invited to a Faith Night at the OMG room on March 22nd.  Please invite your friends! We will have food at 6:30 and our faith session will begin at 7:00.
On March 24th the Confirmation youth will host the Shadow stations at St. Mary’s at 6:00 p.m.  I am asking all youth to be the Church at 4:30 to get dressed and prepared.  I will have snacks and drinks available!
We will not have Youth group the last week of March due to Prairie’s Spring break.  May the Lord show up in a mighty way this Lent season as you grow closer to Him through living for Him!
In Christ’s Service,