NRA Foundation awards grant to St. John Bosco Academy Gun Club
The NRA Foundation has awarded the St. John
Bosco Academy Gun Club a grant totaling $13,588 to fund Handgun
Training and Safety Courses for the club members. "We
are very excited about being able to provide this extracurricular
activity for free to our local youth. Gun safety, proper gun handling
skills, marksmanship, speed and accuracy, and defensive tactics all in
a safe, fun, learning environment will be available to the kids next
school year" said Amy Gorges, "and we are pleased that the NRA is
making an investment in our community." American Freedom Defense (AFD), in Greencreek has again offered to donate the range time and instructor time to facilitate the SJB Gun Club. The club will have monthly trainings where a variety of skills will be covered through out the year. With the grant there will be free gun rentals, with all the gear provided, and free ammo for all who attend. Amy Gorges added, “The youth are the future of shooting sports. My husband Jim and I are grateful to have the opportunity to instruct them. Thank you to those who have attend Friends of the NRA events in the past. Those events create the funds available for these NRA Grants.” A group of students after a training event with Jim and Amy Gorges in front. From front to back: Noelle Chmelik, Sarah Waters, and Jim Gorges during handgun training.