Chess tournament set for Friday
The 7th Annual Holiday Family Chess Tournament will take place this Friday, March 24th, 2023 at St. Peter & Paul Parish Hall,330 S. B Street, Grangeville, Idaho starting at 9AM and ending around 6PM. You can pre-register at for a discount registration fee of $8 or just show up early for a registration fee of $10.  Food will be available on site.
New, Young, Old, Parents, and even Grandmasters and future Grandmasters are welcome.
Donation Jars located around the Palouse River Valley area businesses will be picked up this week to determine our prize fund.  
What you give us is what we give the kids.
You can also donate to the tournament through Freedom NW Credit Union and designate your gift to "The Chess Guy" account.
Minimum major prizes are:
1st place student: $100
2nd place student: $50
3rd place student: $25
1st place adult: $25
Many more prizes will be awarded and cash prizes will be raised and multiplied to more winners as donations permit.
Please arrive an hour early for registration and pre-tournament information.
See our info page at more detailed information.
For questions contact Sandy The Chess Guy at 208-301-8615