Fuel service no longer available at Elk City
With private fuel services no longer available in Elk City this spring, motorists and recreationists are advised to plan their trips carefully based on average fuel consumption and overall trip mileage.
If traveling east from Grangeville to Elk City, travelers can expect the distance to be over 50 miles one way. State Highway 14 is paved , but motorists are advised to remain vigilant for any falling rocks, trees or other debris caused by spring rains onto the highway.
Signs notifying motorists about the discontinued fuel services are installed at Grangeville and on the Montana side at Darby. Motorists are encouraged to fuel up before driving to Elk City from either side.
If traveling with extra gas cans, federal regulations state gasoline and diesel must be stored in a Department of Transportation approved, properly labeled, closed container, of not more than 5 gallons capacity. Do not transport the container in the passenger compartment of vehicle. The container should be red for gasoline and yellow for diesel and have an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) stamp on it.
To get continual updates about weather-related road conditions, road work, commercial vehicle restrictions, road closures, and other travel, please visit Idaho 511. Access it 24/7 on the web at http://511.idaho.gov, by downloading the free mobile app or by dialing 511 on your phone.