Shelley Schlader named Mother of the Year
Following is Tara Schlader’s essay that won her mother Shelley the Prairie League Mother of the Year Award. Mom is a word with so many meanings. One dictionary definition could never encompass all the duties of a mom. They wear so many hats, but somehow manage to make it all look so easy. I mean think about it, they’re our caregivers, support system, teachers, counselors, personal chefs, maids, chauffeurs, hairdressers, punishment givers, etc. And even with all of those responsibilities, my mom is still the most trustworthy person in the world. I would like to thank my mom for everything she has taught me. For teaching me about the important things in life. That God comes first, no matter what, and nothing is stronger than our faith. Working hard and always doing your best will always benefit you, even if it sometimes doesn’t seem that way. Stand up for what you believe in and not let other people change your morals. Materialistic things don’t matter in the end. Be someone that people are attracted to, not someone that brings others down. These are life lessons that are important to be taught but are instilled when you have someone in your life that lives their life according to these guidelines. I am fortunate enough to have a mother that lives her life to these standards. My mom has some of the most desirable personality characteristics as well. She is the most loving, hardworking, responsible, and goal-oriented person I know. I really look up to my mom because she can accomplish any task presented to her, she never gives up, and people can always count on her to complete it to the best of her ability. I hope that when I get older, I can have the same reputation as my mom. With saying that, my mom and I do have a lot of things in common. We have made countless memories that I wouldn’t change for the world. Time that I spend with my mom is scarce because we are both so busy. However, when we are together, I cherish those moments. Life goes fast, soon I’ll be moved out and off to college, and I won’t get to see my mom every day. Although, she’ll probably still hear from me quite often because I am going to need a lot of help, but hey that’s what moms are for. I know that sometimes I take my mom for granted, but truly there is no one that I appreciate more than her. Mom, I love you. Thank you for raising me the way you did, for teaching me about the more important things in life, for being such an amazing role model for me to look up to, and for always being there for me no matter what. You wear all the hats, and make it look so easy, I know it’s not, but you do it because you love your family and you want the best for us. So thank you for everything. You’re the best mom a girl could ask for! Love, Tara Shelley Schlader and her daughter Tara with Shelley's Mother of the Year plaque. |