Cottonwood City Council meets
The annual audit for Fiscal Year 2022 was approved by the Cottonwood City Council at their June meeting Monday, June 12. Cottonwood Youth Sports put in a couple of requests. They would like to run electricity to the new shed they purchased from the Prairie Booster Club (the former Dan’s Burger Barn from the football field.) Power would likely be run from the box behind field #2. They would also like to use some of the benches that used to be in Cabana at the City Park to replace the benches in the dugouts at the Wimer Ballfields. Both requests were approved by the council. Roger and January Trombetta appeared and discussed with the council some of the issues they are running into in placing a new building on their property at 1401 King Street. They have had a survey done and apparently the concrete pad they’ve poured for the proposed building is partly within the setback. City Attorney Joe Wright suggest some options and recommended a public hearing be held to go over those options and the council could then decide whether to approve or not. In the meantime they have moved a smaller shed to their front yard that Mayor Keith Holcomb informed them needs to be moved as city code says you can’t have a building in the 25 foot front yard area in front of a house. The Trombettas will get the necessary paperwork filled out for a public hearing which would likely be held prior to the July council meeting on July 10. The pasture lease for the ground above the Wimer Ballfields has expired and the former lessee will get a termination order as the fences and weed control had not been kept up as per the lease agreement. Mayor Holcomb said he would like to offer this up for bids as there has been some interest in leasing the ground. Minimum bid would be $60 per year with fence upkeep and weed control as part of any lease agreement. A new agreement was approved between the city and Cottonwood Youth Sports and Cottonwood School District #242 regarding use of the Wimer Ballfields. CYS would pay $1800 per year and the School District would pay $1700 per year. In exchange the city would take care of watering and mowing and land maintenance. CYS would still maintain the refreshment and bathroom buildings. A new agreement was approved with the Cottonwood Rural Fire District. It was $3500 per year and has been since 2006. It will go up to $5000 per year and have some built in increases. The agreement was approved by the council. The Council approved a proposal from Zwygart, John & Associates to do the FY 2023 audit. The cost would be $11,300 which is $500 more than last year. The Idaho Department of Corrections requested a waiver of the Community Hall rent for their training session for entities requesting use of an inmate labor group. This was approved by the council. A catering permit for the VFW for their beergarden during the Fair was approved. Mayor Holcomb asked where they are going to get power as it is highly likely the new Pavilion will not be finished by Fair time. Rick Johnson of the VFW said they will work something out. In reports Police Chief Terry Cochran was asked when Jason Rambo’s new vehicle would be ready. Cochran said he was hoping by the end of the week. In the meantime they have been sharing Cochran’s vehicle. Water Commissioner Debby O’Neill was unable to attend the meeting. Mayor Holcomb reported that the city pumped 1,829,400 gallons of water and sold 1,584,680 for a loss of 12.18%. Pat Enneking reported they found and fixed a leak on Foster Street. They also haven’t read the meter at the airport in awhile where C.J. Air has been getting water for their cropdusting service. Both likely contributed to the loss reported. Brett Miller reported they got one citation on chlorine at the sewer treatment system that has been taken care of. Kristie Holthaus reported some grading has been done on gravel streets as well as some mag chloride application. Currently Goldstone St. is closed due to a hole in the culvert. Some steel plates have been ordered to address the problem. Linda Nida reported they are moving a lot of dirt at the City Park but no building has started as of yet. Mayor Holcomb said they need to get the sign put up. Holthaus reported the slurry seal is done at the airport and reported that airport manager Clint Riener said it looks good. Some gravel is being added at the edges of the runways. The fire department had no calls during May. City Clerk Lynn Thompson said the switch in Internet service to Airbridge went well. Clear Connect suggested getting security set up on their systems. Their cost would be $2217 to set up and then $645 per month. It was suggested they get a quote from another firm before making a decision as that seems like a lot of money. Thompson said getting government entity internet service security is something that will likely be mandated in the future. Likely by their insurance carrier if not by state statute. The matter was tabled until they could get another quote. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 10 at 7 p.m. |