Two Pirates named to All-State Baseball team Two Prairie Pirates were named to the 1-A All-State Baseball team. Colton McElroy was named to the first team as an outfielder while Noah Behler was named to the second team as a pitcher. PIRATES BOYS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOR 2023
All games at 7 p.m.
1-Troy*, there
8-Potlatch*, there 14-Timberline, here 22-Genesee*, here, Homecoming 29-Kamiah*, there OCTOBER
6-Lapwai*, here
13-C.V.*, here, Senior Night 20-Logos*, there 27 or 28-Higher Seed host, State NOVEMBER
3 or 4-State Quarterfinals
10 or 11-State Semifinals 17 or 18-State Champ., UI or BSU *League Game The JV schedule will be determined once it's known who will have a JV squad
Camas Prairie Zephyrs American Legion Baseball Team Schedule July 9-at Cottonwood vs. St. Maries, 2 and 4 p.m.12-at Rathdrum, 2 and 4 p.m. 14-15-Area Tournament at Sandpoint, game times to be determined |