to the editor from this week's Chronicle To the Editor A fully functional park builds a sense of community and improves quality of life. This is a quote from an article in the Chronicle by Council Woman Linda Nida. A vibrant park benefits many, retains families and is positive incentive for those moving into our community. We couldn’t agree with her more. So why does the city charge the Cottonwood Youth Sports for the use of the Wimer Baseball Fields? Does the city plan to charge the park patrons for the use of the park and the new facilities? Both facilities are used to improve the community and reach out to the children to give them activities to do. The city does a great job of keeping up the community areas. As being a part of the initial planning and building of the baseball fields, we are very aware of the hard work and number of volunteer hours spent to achieve the project. We never imagined we would have to have our families pay to use the city baseball fields. Wayne and Dar Forsmann