Prairie Elementary Supply List 2023-2024 KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Frei Backpack Gym Shoes, new or newly washed (if your child cannot tie their own shoes, please do not send shoes with ties) 1 - Folder with (pockets on bottom) (labeled with name) 1 - Box #2 Pencils, 24 count or more (Ticonderoga brand preferred)-pre-sharpened if possible 1 - 4 count pkg dry erase markers (small/ skinny grip) 1-2 - Box Crayola Broad Tip Markers (classic colors) 2 - 3 oz container of Play-Doh 1 - ream of white Copier Paper 1-2 - Clorox sanitizing wipes 1- Headphones that cover ears (not earbuds) labeled with name 8- Glue Sticks 1 – 4 oz. bottle of School Glue FIRST GRADE - Ashle Sowa and Rachel Hernandez Backpack1 Box Regular or Twistable Crayola Crayons (24 count) 1 Box Crayola Broad Tip Markers 1 - 4 count pkg dry erase markers (small/ skinny grip) 12 Glue Sticks #2 Pencils, 12 count or more (Ticonderoga brand preferred) 2 folders with pockets on the bottom Clorox sanitizing wipes 2 ream of white copy paper 1 Composition Notebook Gym Shoes, new or newly washed (if your child cannot tie their own shoes, please do not send shoes with ties) 1- Headphones that cover ears (not earbuds) labeled with name SECOND GRADE - Allason Zenner and Cami Shears BackpackPencil box 3 - laminated Folders (pockets on bottom) 2 - wide-ruled Spiral Notebooks 1 - Composition Book 4 - large Pink Erasers 1 - pack pencil top erasers 24 - #2 Pencils 1 - red pen 1 - ruler (not a flexible/bendable ruler) 1 - 24 Ct. Crayons 1 - pencil sharpener 1 - black fine tip sharpie 1 - 8 ct box Broad Tip Classic Color Markers 1 - Scissors 2 - boxes regular size Kleenex 1 - box Ziploc bags - boys gallon size, girls quart size 2 - large Glue Stick or 4 small glue sticks 1 - 4 oz. bottle of School Glue 1- 4 count pkg dry erase markers 1 ream white Copier Paper headphones- labeled with name Gym Shoes (new or newly washed) THIRD GRADE - Olivia Remmerden and Julie Schumacher Backpack*Pencil Box 2 Laminated pocket folders (pocket on bottom) 2 boxes- #2 Pencils 1 pk.-colored pencils 1- 8 ct. Broad tip classic markers 1- 4 black (preferred) dry erase markers 1- highlighter 1 pair scissors- (Remmerden only) 1- 70 count spiral notebook 2 packs loose-leaf paper college-rule 2-inch clear view heavy duty 3-ring binder (not a trapper keeper/Velcro or zipper type) 1 pack binder dividers 2- Glue sticks 2 lg. pink erasers 1- box pencil top erasers 1 box Kleenex 1- ream of white Copier Paper Headphones or Earbuds – labeled with name 1- wireless mouse (recommended but not required) Gym Shoes (new or newly washed) FOURTH GRADE - Becky Higgins and Andrea Brannan Backpack1- 1.5” Clear View 3 Ring Binder 2- Red Pens 3 -1 subject spiral notebooks college ruled 1-package of loose-leaf paper college ruled 36 - #2 Pencils - Ticonderoga 1 - Large pink eraser 1 - Pocket Folder with holes 1 - Box of regular sized Kleenex 1 - Package of EXPO Chisel-Tip dry erase markers Baggies - 1 box snack or gallon size Ziploc 2 - reams of white Copier Paper Earbuds or Headphones (labeled w/ name) Mouse (wireless/supply own batteries or cord) Gym Shoes (new or newly washed) FIFTH GRADE - Alecia Hagen and Kristi Bruegeman 24 #2 REGULAR PENCILS (Ticonderoga brand)-no mechanical1 ruler with cm and inches 2 Blue or Black Pens and 2 Red Pens 2 different colored Highlighters 5 pocket folders 2 composition notebooks 1 spiral notebook 1 black Sharpie marker 1 box skinny markers 1 box Crayola crayons 1 set of colored pencils 3 to 4 expo markers, thick or thin 1 pencil box or bag Kleenex ~Mrs. Bruegeman only (large box)-1 per semester unless otherwise notified Ear buds – labeled with name (no wireless) 1 ream of white Copier Paper Gym Shoes (new or newly washed) SIXTH GRADE - Kim Schumacher and Brittany Stewart 12 #2 REGULAR PENCILS (Ticonderoga brand)-no mechanical1 Blue or Black pen and 1 Red Pen 2 Different colored highlighters 1 Black Sharpies 2 Large glue sticks Calculator (TI-30XA, TEXAS INSTRUMENT) 1 box Kleenex 1 box colored pencils 3-4 thin colored EXPO whiteboard markers Earbuds (LABELED WITH NAME) 2 reams copy paper 1 pack lined College ruled notebook paper Gym Shoes (new or newly washed) and Water Bottle |