Fair is only a few weeks away It all begins August 18th with Grand Marshals Jim and Kathleen Vopat cutting the ribbon at 8:30.4-H and open class projects can be entered at that time as will. Thursday, and Friday will include several events, such as fitting and showing/quality judging of 4-H and FFA projects, crowning night of royalty and Green Swing Dance. The final day of the fair, Saturday, August 19th, will include a parade on Cottonwood Main Street. You can enter a float by registering online at idahocountyfair.org or by contacting Joyce Gehring-Sonnen, parade chairman, by phone: (208)962-5850 or email: jogehring@hotmail.com. We welcome all different kind of entries, including cars, pickups, 4-wheelers, horses, buggies, or simply walking. If you have limited online access there are forms you can fill out in Cottonwood Chronicle, Idaho County Free Press, Idaho County Fair Premium Book or print and use the form below. Completed forms can be mailed to Joyce (address found on parade entry forms) or dropped off at the information office in the Schmidt building on the fairgrounds. Hope to see you all at the 2023 Idaho County Fair! |