to the editor from this week's Chronicle Dear Editor, I wonder how many Republicans understand that there will be no presidential primary in March of 2024. This came about because of an oversight on the part of the Idaho Legislature. Some have suggested moving the presidential primary to May, but that is late. The presidential primary was moved to March for good reason. We need to go back to that time. The March election has been used by schools to pass levy elections that had previously failed. It made sense to cut down the number of times schools could repeat the process. However, no one wanted to lose the presidential primary. Surely the governor could have seen what was in the bill. It is therefore incumbent on the governor to call for a one day special session of the legislature to solve this problem. If he does not feel the need to do so then the legislature should call itself into session, which is now legal. The legislature caused this serious problem, and it is now their responsibility to solve it. This must happen before October 1, 2023. Thanks so much. Jim Hollingsworth