Duck Race fundraiser is held
The Prairie girl's basketball team held the 7th annual Duck Race as a team fundraiser.  It was Aubree Rehder’s Senior Project. 
990 ducks were sold, the most ever sold throughout the years. 
Winners are: 1) Tonya Schumacher, 2) Mike Vanloon, 3) Peyton Hanson, 4) Dylan Schumacher, 5) Jeanie Hrbek and 6) Chloe Rowland.
The five top salesmen were: 1) Hailey Hanson, 2) Halee Rowland, 3) Kylie Schumacher, 4) Sydney Shears and 5) Kaylie Lockett
The Announcer this year was Hope Schwartz. 
Lori Mader was Aubree Rehder’s mentor for her senior project.

Shown are all of the people who helped with the Duck Races this year. Standing from left are Hope Schwartz, Julie Schumacher, Daphne Hanson, Sage Elven, Hailey Hanson, Aubree Rehder, Alli Geis, Lexi Schumacher, Kaylie Lockett, Avery Riener, Kennedy Riener, Ellie Nuxoll, Kadence Kalmbach, Jared Cash, Ruby Cash, Kristi Cash, Nadia Cash, Jon Rehder and Renee Rehder. Kneeling from left are Lori Mader, Kylie Schumacher, Maggie Nuxoll, Avery Kehler, Erica Schlader, Lillian Rehder, Faith Cash, Halee Rowland and Makenzie Mizer. 
Shown are all 990 ducks that were sold.

The top 5 duck sellers with the top 5 winning ducks. From left are Hailey Hanson with Tonya Schumacher’s winning duck; Halee Rowland with Mike VanLoon’s 2nd place duck; Kylie Schumacher with Peyton Hanson’s 3rd place duck; Avery Riener, representing #4 seller Sydney Shears who was unable to attend, with Dylan Schumacher’s 4th place duck and Kaylie Lockett with Jeanie Hrbek’s 5th place duck.

Duck Race chairman Aubree Rehder with announcer Hope Schwartz.

This year's Duck Race chairman Aubree Rehder with last year's chairman Lexi Schumacher.

Aubree Rehder with top seller Hailey Hanson.

Aubree Rehder with #2 seller Halee Rowland.

Aubree Rehder with #3 seller Kylie Schumacher.

Aubree Rehder with coach and senior project mentor Lori Mader, who is representing #4 seller Sydney Shears, who was unable to be at the event.

Aubree Rehder and #5 seller Kaylie Lockett.
All photos submitted by Lori Mader.