Prairie registration reminder
A meeting for Jr High and High School students and parents/guardians who are interested in taking any sport throughout the year are required to attend the Sports Meeting on August 7th at the High School Cafeteria at 6:30PM.
Registration for new and current Junior High and/or High School Students is on August 15th from 7:30am until 3:30pm.
- New ‘Cottonwood Joint School District’ Students will need their birth certificate and immunization records
- 7th grade students will need to bring their current/updated immunization records showing the date of their Tdap booster and meningococcal vaccines.
- Seniors will also need to bring their current/updated immunization records showing the date of their meningococcal vaccines.  (Students admitted to 12th grade during 2020-21 school year and each year thereafter will need two doses of the Meningococcal vaccine if they received their first dose before the age of 16.)