Volleyball practice starts August 7 PIRATES GIRLS VOLLEYBALL
Attention all you Prairie High School Volleyball Players - Believe it or not, volleyball is just around the corner!! The 1st day of volleyball tryouts will be Aug. 7th immediately following the parent/athlete sports meeting and it will go until 9:00pm. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 8th and 9th tryouts will continue and will run from 6:00 - 9:00pm. Thursday and Friday of this week, practice will be from 7 - 9 pm. For the week following, each of the individual coaches will discuss with their team when practice will be. Remember if you are an incoming Freshman or Junior, you need to make sure you have had a sports physical and that your paperwork is in the office. You need this completed before practices begin. Have a great rest of your summer and see you on the court!!! Go Pirates! AUGUST
22-Jamboree at Prairie, 5 p.m.
26-New Plymouth Tourn. 26-Genesee JV Tourn. 29-Potlatch*, here, JV/V 5 p.m. 31-Troy*, here, JV/V SEPTEMBER
5-Kamiah*, there, JV/V
7-Genesee*, there, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 11-Lapwai*, there, JV/V 12-C.V.*, here, JV/V, 19-Logos*, there V only, 4:30 p.m., Potlatch*, at Logos, V only, 6 p.m. 19-JV at Potlatch, 4:30; JV vs. Logos at Potlatch, 6 p.m. 21-Troy*, there, JV/V 23-Border Battle at Pomeroy 26-Kamiah*, here, JV/V 28-Logos*, here, JV/V OCTOBER
3-C.V.*, there, JV/V
6-Genesee*, here, C/JV/V, 5 p.m. 9-Orofino, there, C/JV/V, 4:30 p.m. 10-Lapwai*, here, JV/V 14-19-Districts at LCSC 27-28-State at LCSC *League Game Additional C games may be added as the season approaches.
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