Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor,
Why is the democrat party so obsessed with imposing sexually explicit materials to our children within our public schools and libraries? We are at a point in history where we need to ask ourselves some questions and do some soul searching.
How much control do you want your government to have? Are you happy with what you see in our politics today? Is this the United States of America that our founders envisioned? Is this the culture we wish to pass on to our children and grandchildren? 
All these questions rely on the educational experiences we allow for our children. Their propensity to look to us for guidance is innate and what we place before them will be how they begin to perceive the world. 
The one thing that concerns me most is the sexual exploitative nature that our educational system has imposed within our schools. Case in point Democrat Rep. Berch, in an editorial, is claiming that parents are bombarded with false claims about porn in libraries, groomers in classrooms, and student indoctrination as propaganda, but he is not being honest with you. These things are going on right here in Idaho and by his statements I can only conclude he supports it. I have personally attended school board meetings in Idaho county concerning such matters. 
“The hand that rocks the world rules the world.” Who’s hand do we want to rock the cradle?
Jim Chmelik


















Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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