To the Library and beyond I guess I’m not the only person whose library card expires this month because it is “Library Card Sign-Up Month.” Make sure your Library card hasn’t expired, or if it has, this is the month to renew. September is also Civic Awareness Month so let’s all remind ourselves of our civic responsibilities and how we can fulfill them. Perhaps some of those civic responsibilities might include extra effort to “Be Kind to Writers and Editors” this month. We all know how hard writers and editors work so it stands to reason that they might need the mind-healing power of “Classical Music Month.” I guess it all works together. September 4 is designated as “Newspaper Carrier Day.” September 6 is “Read a Book Day.” What? Just one? Join a reading challenge. Volunteer at the Library! We can always use more helpers. September 8 has two important purposes; it is “International Literacy Day” and if that isn’t important enough, it is also “National Ampersand Day”! Surely, if we didn’t have the ampersand we would invent it & then we would be happy. The second week of September is dedicated to “Outside the Lines.” September 15 we will be celebrating “International Dot Day”; it is also the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month. And, remember, libraries are full of ideas, and ideas are, “perhaps, the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons." So instead of banning literary works wouldn’t it be better to defeat offensive material with solid examples of our own principles, standards and values? Let’s pick up our pens and write the glowing affirmations that outshine less virtuous script. |