Dress up days during Homecoming Week
Tacky Tourist Day

Tuesday, Sept. 19, was Tacky Tourist Day. From top down are the Seniors, Sophomore, Freshmen, 8th Graders, 7th Graders and staff. We did not receive a junior class photo.
80s Day

Wednesday, Sept. 20, was 80s Day. From top down are the Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen, 8th graders, 7th graders and staff.
Duos Day

Thursday, Sept. 21 was Duos Day. They aren't completely broken down by class as some of the duos were students from different classes. The top photo is mostly seniors. The second is mostly juniors. The third is mostly sophomore with some juniors and seniros while the boom appears to be freshmen.
Spirit Day

Friday, Sept. 22, was Spirit Day where students got out their Pirate gear. From top down are the Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen, 8th graders and 7th graders. All photos provided by Matt Elven.




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